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COOL not DeadLast
Uzumaki Naruto-centric stories that shows his intelligent, serious side. Adult Naruto fics are welcome. Both slash and het are accepted. Note to staff members: A high standard of grammar, spelling, plot, and characterization must be maintained. Unreasonable character bashing is severely discouraged. Humour fics are also discouraged as the humour may conflict with Naruto being all serious and angsty. But on the rare occasion where a fic manages to balance humour and maturity, go for it.
English - Staff: 33 - Archive: 695 - Followers: 3011 - Since: 09-25-04 - Founder: Elaine du Lac
Female Naruto Fics
Looking for a wide variety of female Naruto fan-fictions? Then this archive of stories will be heaven on Earth for you! !Attention: Yaoi, Yuri, & Mature stories are allowed! MASSIVE! Update to the archive on 11/28/18.
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 1925 - Followers: 2246 - Since: 10-26-06 - Founder: FoxBlood
We Love Het! The Powerful, Diverse, and Loved by His Ladies Naruto Story Community!
Naruto Centric stories where he's powerful and or intelligent(can be hiding it) individual.(Not restricted to being a shinobi.) Trained as an Overlord, Mage, Warrior, Sage, etc. Traveling through time or raised by other shinobi, Evil, Dark, Hero,Shinigami,etc. HAREM especially! NO YAOI STORIES HERE! Naruto/Hinata/Yoruichi/Kagome/Saeko/Lucy/Azula. NarutoxAny Girl from his world or any other Narutoxcross pairing imaginable. Includes Lemon and Humor stories as well.
English - Staff: 11 - Archive: 3526 - Followers: 1719 - Since: 04-12-08 - Founder: Kyuubi16
1,000 PLUS: Extraordinary Fics with Extraordinary Reviews
An attempt to catalogue ALL Naruto fics with over 1 THOUSAND REVIEWS: The Excellent, the Epic, the Popular, the TalkedAbout. Out of 200 thousand fics, only 0.2 percent reach this review mark! In the end, which Naruto fic has the most reviews? Don't forget the M rated fics! [For a review-wise top 10 fic-list and other statistics, see my profile]
English - Staff: 159 - Archive: 539 - Followers: 1512 - Since: 04-15-07 - Founder: grammahPolice
Shifting Time
Tired of those boring, poorly written timetravel fanfiction? Tired of searching for the few gems of this genre? Look no further! Not only does this C2 contain TIMETRAVEL fanfiction, it contains GOOD TIMETRAVEL fanfiction! Plot and good grammar abound!
English - Staff: 6 - Archive: 200 - Followers: 1443 - Since: 03-26-06 - Founder: XTakaX27
SasuNaru Shounen ai and Yaoi Heaven
A collection of SasuNaru and NaruSasu fics. All ratings and genre accepted. Side pairings allowed too. If you love SasuNaru or NaruSasu and yaoi then this community is the place for you. Who says rivals can't fall in love?
English - Staff: 134 - Archive: 5474 - Followers: 1181 - Since: 10-16-06 - Founder: XBloodSplatteredAngelX
Sakura's Angel, Cherry blossom's World
C2 Rules:[Sakura-Centric] & [Strictly HET: NO YAOI&YUR] & [Decent Grammar]. This is purely a Sakura-Centric community, where Sakura is the lead heroine. You can also find stories which contains: SakuxMulti, SakuxEveryonne/All, SakuxOC, SakuxCrossovers, and of course Sakux whichever Naruto Character. This also includes couples, love triangles, hexagons, octagons, multi, all or just simple her.
English - Staff: 48 - Archive: 2801 - Followers: 1047 - Since: 10-14-05 - Founder: mksanime
Any Uzumaki incest story will be added to this community. Isn't Kushina the hottest girl in the Naruto world? And she's so adorable too! Imagine her with our blond hero, and wham! There, you have a kick-ass pairing. It works with any other Uzumaki girl too, most of them are cute and lovable. Possible Pairings: Naruto♥Twin Sister, Naruto♥Kushina, Naruto♥Younger/Elder sister, Naruto♥(Young)Mito, Naruto♥Naruko. Switch to 'Rating: All' to view the complete list!
English - Staff: 66 - Archive: 605 - Followers: 849 - Since: 10-20-10 - Founder: ImSorryForLeavingYou
WHY We Hate Yaoi
WHY stands for We Hate Yaoi? This is either a statement or a question, but for now, WHY is a C2 decicated to the great stories made for Naruto where he does not love another male. Helping to reach out to far depth as to consider himself a straight or perverted man, Naruto shall forever be in our eyes as a deep but powerful warrior.
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 226 - Followers: 831 - Since: 09-18-04 - Founder: OneAznDragon
Naruto: unusual pairings
Mostly Naruto x any.female.execpt.Hinata pairings. Includes but not limited to: Naru x Ino, Temari, Tenten, Shizune, Anko, Kurenai, Hana, Ayame, Tsunade, Kin, Tayuya, Yugao, Fem Kyuubi, Fem Haku, Hanabi, Sakura. Due to the popularity rise of NaruSaku, only really good stories would be added for this paring. Visit my profile to access the forum for this community where you can recommend stories which you think should be in this C2.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 2613 - Followers: 750 - Since: 03-01-06 - Founder: Ero Kyuubi no Kitsune
A Naruto x Sasuke library featuring Seme!Naruto and Uke!Sasuke. Features all stories, oneshot to chaptered, with this pairing. Mission Statement: to become the biggest archive of NaruSasu fics and to spread the NaruSasu love! Always looking for more staff to help out! PM manager if interested in staffing or if you have any recommendations, questions, or requests for removal of fics. Subscribe if you love NaruSasu!
English - Staff: 25 - Archive: 1072 - Followers: 742 - Since: 10-23-05 - Founder: Sweetsong
Kyuubi Induced Naruto: It's Now Better Than Ever, Check it out
Naruto isnt dead last. He is one of the strongest in the story, in any way. But also naruto can have a darker personality like normal then phycotic or happiness is a mask.ALL pairings accepted,NO YAOI.stories have to be good though not some cheap attempt. Forums has been updated. Also hiring more staff and mods for the forum, plz contact me if interested. WOHOO! We are now the 2nd largest C2, thanx's yall, I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS cuz without yall, this wouldn't be possible!
English - Staff: 23 - Archive: 360 - Followers: 734 - Since: 01-28-06 - Founder: VolpyroHarry
World crossover
Have you ever wondered how many OCs/self inserts stories there are, where someone from our world goes into Naruto world? Or vice visa? l came across so many of this kind of stories so l thought l gather them together.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 2736 - Followers: 678 - Since: 02-25-11 - Founder: Natal
Strong Naruto Fic's
Stories I have written or like. Only contains strong, dark or smart Naruto Fic's. A lot of time travel or him being raised by someone else like Tsunade or Jiraiya. Looking for staff.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 1273 - Followers: 622 - Since: 03-02-07 - Founder: tvaddict06
A collection of fanfiction were naruto is the main man meaning harem,superpowered,darknaruto,bloodline,and a mix of taking away at birth plus some crossovers. and No NARUHINA UNLESS the PLOT is REAL GOOD that we have too bear it.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 370 - Followers: 593 - Since: 10-06-04 - Founder: Naruto-sama the kyuubi
Naruto and his big, big harem
This community is for NarutoxMass Harem stories only. All stories that has Naruto paired with five or more girls are here. Includes Crossover stories as well. Please subscribe and message me if interest in being a staff
English - Staff: 6 - Archive: 295 - Followers: 539 - Since: 02-16-08 - Founder: MaximumDevil
SasuSaku, NejiTen, InoShika, NaruHina
Superior stories centered around these couples handpicked by the staff. We are now accepting staff, but please don't try to become one if you know you won't do anything. This C2 focuses on quality over quantity.
English - Staff: 32 - Archive: 763 - Followers: 517 - Since: 07-07-05 - Founder: Cherry Blossom Uchiha
Sakura and Sasuke, flower and shadow
C2 for all great Sakusasu or sasusaku fics! You no longer need to search the entire section to find the updates on your favorite sasusaku fics! If you'd like to join just pm me or send me an email at ellamoony at yahoo . com. Also, current staff members, please refrain from adding fics with couplings that have Sasuke or Sakura paired with other people.
English - Staff: 429 - Archive: 3725 - Followers: 497 - Since: 06-29-05 - Founder: Ice Scion
Pudgypudge's Vault of Naruto Goodness
Welcome one and all, to the circus that is Naruto fanfiction. We've sifted through the sludge to find the ones with the best grammar and story to save you some time and trouble. Remember to review if you read. No Yaoi.
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 306 - Followers: 487 - Since: 05-16-08 - Founder: pudgypudge
Blue Eyes White Dragon
All NarutoxHinata pairings will be here
English - Staff: 9 - Archive: 268 - Followers: 475 - Since: 09-27-04 - Founder: Twiggy-Kill-Me
Well written Naruto fics ......contains MOSTLY superpower ,cool naruto and some crossover fics.....Please post in the forum if you would like me to add a story to the c2. If your interested in being a staff member pm me. ***plz vote for the pool on my profile***
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 313 - Followers: 466 - Since: 03-25-05 - Founder: Shadow Illusionist
A NarutoxIno Collection
Possibly the most obscure and least likely to happen pairing on the show, and yet we're addicted to it all the same. I can't guarantee they're all good, but they're all I've found. If there's one missing feel free to let me know. Yay! We are the 7th largest Naruto C2 community according to member size, so don't forget if you love reading it try writing it! it's not like you could do any worse than a few of these. NOW WITH FORUMS! Check it out under my screen name Nimacu
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 542 - Followers: 464 - Since: 11-29-04 - Founder: nimacu
Now and forever Naruto and Hinata, and Naruto's harem
You can find some of the best stories on the net that have Naruto and Hinata as the main pairing right hear. Or some that have Naruto/Harem parings. NO YAOI WILL EVER BE FOUND HERE! Any other parings are fair game as long as there not yaoi. And those that are on the staff are of some of the best writers or reviews on this site for Naruto fics.
English - Staff: 45 - Archive: 3001 - Followers: 435 - Since: 11-15-06 - Founder: Burnning Truth
Brothers of the Leaf
Dedicated to SasukexNaruto yaoi, shounen ai, and friendship fics that are not just well written, but kept in character, something that's a bit of a rarity around here. These fics are chosen for their believability above all else. While some may branch off into AU territory, all stay true to the spirit of the show and its characters. And with Naruto and Sasuke, that ain't nothin' to sneeze at.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 81 - Followers: 435 - Since: 09-15-04 - Founder: Spectrum
Naruto knows seals
Stories where Naruto knows how to use seals. All stories decent length and quality, usual min of 60K words unless it's very well written and I think the author needs more reviews to encourage them. REMEMBER TO REVIEW! Authors like to get feedback on their stories and it encourages them to continue the more support they receive. Also: Feel free to PM me with Stories you think would fit here, thanks in advance
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 56 - Followers: 422 - Since: 02-20-12 - Founder: Epwydadlan
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