Mostly Naruto x any.female.execpt.Hinata pairings. Includes but not limited to: Naru x Ino, Temari, Tenten, Shizune, Anko, Kurenai, Hana, Ayame, Tsunade, Kin, Tayuya, Yugao, Fem Kyuubi, Fem Haku, Hanabi, Sakura. Due to the popularity rise of NaruSaku, only really good stories would be added for this paring. Visit my profile to access the forum for this community where you can recommend stories which you think should be in this C2.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 2613 - Followers: 750 - Since: 03-01-06 - Founder: Ero Kyuubi no Kitsune