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The PortkeyOrg C2
The best stories from the best fanfiction community. Sic semper tyrannis.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 186 - Followers: 5735 - Since: 08-14-10 - Founder: enembee
Potions and Snitches
potionsandsnitches dot org: Harry Potter and Severus Snape nonslash stories! SS&HP GEN ONLY (no SS/HP slash). Father and son, teacher, apprentice, mentor, guardian, comrades, enemies, healing, canon, deaging, adoption, Sevitus (biological father Snape), The Severitus Challenge, and family stories. Large amounts of stories added monthly. Turn off alerts or be bombed. Part of potionsandsnitches dot org (P&S): The largest archive for Harry Potter and Severus Snape Gen relationships (SS&HP). Use correct tags!
English - Staff: 49 - Archive: 2409 - Followers: 4149 - Since: 09-14-04 - Founder: Jan-AQ
GASP! It's Harry and Voldemort together!
Stories featuring Harry Potter & Lord Voldemort. SLASH & NON-SLASH stories included.
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 283 - Followers: 3017 - Since: 09-05-05 - Founder: ceebs
Excellent Harry Potter Fanfiction
Best collection of Harry Potter fanfiction on the internet, bar none. Quality, mostly novel-length stories with original plots and well-developed characters. Pairing neutral, no slash, and no character bashing. Please message me with recommendations or to join staff.
English - Staff: 19 - Archive: 280 - Followers: 3010 - Since: 11-25-05 - Founder: ReadingFreak2005
Harry Potter, the Master of Death
Stories where Harry has collected all of the Deathly Hallows, becoming the Master of Death / MoD. Many different iterations of MoD!Harry in several different genres. Staffing requests and recommendations welcome.
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 2045 - Followers: 2297 - Since: 01-24-13 - Founder: terfa
Independent or Dark or Powerful Harry
This will have stories where Harry is either Dark, Powerful, Independent, Sent to Azkaban or a mixture of the above mentioned. A little Time travel and some AU but not much. Also Dumbledore bashing and Ron bashing and Snape Bashing. Need staff please email me. Any Subscriber if you have found a story please email so i can add it. Those of you with the recent trouble, contact an Admin about it, it is not from me.
English - Staff: 27 - Archive: 844 - Followers: 2251 - Since: 11-09-04 - Founder: BlitzkriegAngel
Wrong BoyWhoLived
Is Harry's brother is the Boy Who Lived or has Dumbledore made a huge mistake? DarkHarry!
English - Staff: 6 - Archive: 118 - Followers: 2089 - Since: 07-07-05 - Founder: Mad-Ethel-Vain
Instant Classics
This is a C2 featuring the classics. Things you can read over and over again and never get tired of, the stories you would normally search hours for in just one simple catagory!
English - Staff: 11 - Archive: 1720 - Followers: 2051 - Since: 07-21-05 - Founder: CrimsonReality
Harry and Draco's Love Shack
Have you ever searched and searched for Harry and Draco slash but you've never found the right one to read that has you feeling like your a part of it. Well look no further than here because if you click this you will get access to the BEST HD SLASH out there. So Click, Subscribe and HAPPY reading. I am NOT accepting anymore staff members. Thanks!
English - Staff: 14 - Archive: 689 - Followers: 1943 - Since: 02-14-05 - Founder: Megami284
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy slash fanfiction. Also known as Harry/Draco, H/D, HP/DM yaoi/slash. You can't say you're a true drarry fan until you've read all these stories. ;) Well written and/or popular stories. OOC avoided!Check for M ratings!
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 1103 - Followers: 1750 - Since: 08-01-06 - Founder: Missy Padfoot
For people who spend WAY too much time on this site!
The best Harry centered HP fics pairings vary, most are het or gen but a few slash that include: AU, time!dimension travel, powerful, betrayed, dark!light!gray, azkaban, diff. house, neglected andor sibling supposed savior, Severitus, independent, aliases, vamp, veela, elf, wolf, some xovers, and much more but you get the gist. All well written with captivating plots. Very few, if any oneshots. More xovers in favorites. Better description of c2 in profile! Sort by all ratings for complete list
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 3753 - Followers: 1506 - Since: 04-22-05 - Founder: Never Odd Or eveN
Draco and Hermione Together Forever
This community is for Dramione stories only. I have personally read almost all of the stories in my community, that is why I don't have a large staff. The majority of the stories that I have been adding lately are 40,000+ words, but there are still a lot that are under 40,000 words. Message me about stories that you would like to see added, but they need to be complete! Thank you
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 305 - Followers: 1391 - Since: 12-08-04 - Founder: Anika Cobriana
Completed Harry and Daphne Fanfiction
A place to collect completed Harry/Daphne stories I've read and want to share.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 203 - Followers: 1379 - Since: 01-15-17 - Founder: Dorothea Greengrass
Superpowered Harry fics
We may not have thousands of hp fics, but we do have good ones. Gutted by site rules, anyone with suggestions to fics please feel free to message myself or the staff. Slash, Het, no romance, creatures, doesn't matter, this is not a Godlike-harry though there may be more then a few of those here this c2 focuses on a kick a$$ Harry, or Harry with skills. R.I.P. Bobmin356
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 400 - Followers: 1365 - Since: 10-06-04 - Founder: shadowrunner83
Order of Stories
Welcome! this C2 features a variety of good Harry!centric, non-slash stories (rated K-M). For Top Fanfiction Choices, subscribe to the C2 'Order of Stories: Top Selections' (/community/Order_of_Stories_Chamber_of_Selections/16056/99/0/1/). ... SPOTLIGHT STORY: -Emperor by Marquis Black-
English - Staff: 22 - Archive: 2189 - Followers: 1263 - Since: 01-02-05 - Founder: King Dimension
Bottom!Harry / Submissive!Harry Fics
Sub/Bottom!Harry. For those who dont want to spend hours trying to find sub!harry fics. All pairings are ok as long as Harry is bottom. Most of the fics are Slash, of course. There are a few het and fem-slash, which are Fem!Harry fics. Most fics are at least 10k & completed. Also includes crossovers. I've also got a few fics listed on my profile page that are bottom!harry fics found on other sites. If you have any fics you would like to see included in this C2 or would like to join the staff then please PM
English - Staff: 5 - Archive: 660 - Followers: 1256 - Since: 06-25-08 - Founder: Jayde Alyxandre
Harry and Hermione Romance Fanfiction
Here's a community where you can read stories that have to do with Harry and Hermione Romance as well as others like Lily and James, Draco and Ginny and any Ron pairing. This group prides itself on choosing only the fanfics that are the best out there. Everything from the old school to the new. I've been a member of for 9+ years and I've read every story to make sure it's the best. Largest Community of Harmony on FF! *If you are interested in becoming a staff member send me a PM with story suggestions*
English - Staff: 6 - Archive: 129 - Followers: 1253 - Since: 09-14-04 - Founder: The Moon Princess
I, Sirius Orion Black, Marauder and Sex God...Shut up, Moony...
What effect will Sirius's will have on Harry. Did he make him a Black? Did he leave him betrothed? Did he give him to Moony? I am now adding some stories that aren't Sirius's will stories but are well written, interesting or different, hopefully all three. Enjoy and maybe you will find some 'old' friends among these stories.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 681 - Followers: 1227 - Since: 03-26-05 - Founder: LadyCath
Miss Potter
A C2 dedicated to the Fics where Harry is a girl, either born or created, temporary or permanent, crossovers included.
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 2122 - Followers: 1208 - Since: 07-26-05 - Founder: BF110C4
Slytherin Heritage
Stories where Harry has some relation with Slytherin. He may be his heir, be in Slytherin House or even be the Snake Lord himself. There are also stories about a more slytherin Harry. If someone has a story to suggest PM me!
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 323 - Followers: 1208 - Since: 11-14-04 - Founder: Allyanna
AU Harry Sorting
Harry gets sorted into some other House than Gryffindor (any of the other 3 Houses or even to a new House). This could take place during his original sorting, or he could be placed into a different house in later years. The different sorting can be from AU childhood (treated differently than canon, raised by non-Dursleys, Lily & James not dead), a different version of Harry (more logical, more knowledgeable, magical fantasy nerd), even the Sorting Hat just decided to shake things up, or any other reason.
English - Staff: 12 - Archive: 217 - Followers: 1143 - Since: 09-28-04 - Founder: Keronshara
Fav HP Xover
This is a community which contains Harry Potter Crossovers.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 194 - Followers: 1130 - Since: 12-29-08 - Founder: marie potter riddle
All the female Harry Potter story's I can find.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 2175 - Followers: 1084 - Since: 06-14-11 - Founder: Is-this-supposed-to-be-clever
Pure Harmony
C2 Community – Pure Harmony – The name says everything. This community is for well-written stories that are Harry/Hermione all the way through; No past interludes or future dalliances. No interruptions. Just Pure Harmony. There are very few exceptions.
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 175 - Followers: 1063 - Since: 05-18-08 - Founder: Rihaan
Veela, Soul Mates and bonding fanfiction
This C2 will have all the good fanfiction of Veela, Soul Mate and bonding fanfiction that I can find. I am a big fan of slash so except to find alot of different pairing in here, my favorite being DracoHarry.
English - Staff: 12 - Archive: 283 - Followers: 1026 - Since: 10-05-04 - Founder: Sukura
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