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Obi and Ani
Not a very original title I'm sure. But, this group is dedicated to the wonders of Obi Wan and Anikan...TOGETHER! Got to love the concept of it all. And if ye does to stop by for a little fun. winks you wont be disapointed. Not ALL fics involve SLASH some are just Anikan and Obi Wan's growing relationship as Master and Padawan. Why? Because it's just TOO cute for words! THAT'S why!You know what if somebody can think of a better title that would be great. Just email me about anything
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 13 - Followers: 15 - Since: 05-23-05 - Founder: TE-Bag
The Clone Wars
Tales of the great wars can be found here. Contact me if you've written a Clone Wars fanfic. Need staff.
English - Staff: 7 - Archive: 53 - Followers: 15 - Since: 04-25-06 - Founder: Darth Comrade
Anakin and Obi-Wan
Focusses on Anakin and Obi-wan, mostly slash but some gen, friendship... I noticed there's not enough archives about the two of them, and I'm tired of having to search for hours!
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 75 - Followers: 15 - Since: 02-09-08 - Founder: Anakin Potter
Anakin and Obi-Wan: The Age Old Switch
Stories where Anakin and Obi-Wan deage, are forced to travel to and live in other times, or encounter young time travelers. Includes tales where they trade places, relive their younger years, or deal with their past selves.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 21 - Followers: 15 - Since: 05-17-12 - Founder: Artemis Goldborough
The Pain of ObiWan
We all love seeing our favorite characters suffer a bit. This time it's Obi's turn, mostly at the hands of his 'living' master. Also with a few good Obi stories chucked in as well.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 37 - Followers: 15 - Since: 10-03-07 - Founder: Calm Serene
Confederacy of Independent Stories
Stories about the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 12 - Followers: 14 - Since: 03-28-11 - Founder: ZakoBattledroid
Mmmm, Kenobi
Obi wan romance fics... I know I'm hooked on them
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 4 - Followers: 12 - Since: 04-02-05 - Founder: Lone Cheese
The Negotiator
Obi-Wan Fics
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 100 - Followers: 12 - Since: 06-16-10 - Founder: neoji
Jedi Apprentice: The Lost Years
From Bandomeer to the pyre on Naboo, this is the place for decent and fantastic stories that take place before and/or during Obi-Wan's time as an apprentice to Qui-Gon. The vast majority take place during the Jedi Apprentice series. Some have pairings, but no slash.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 95 - Followers: 12 - Since: 04-21-09 - Founder: Fantastic Nonsense
Artistically Done: Grand Admiral Thrawn Fanfiction
A selection of the best fanfiction written about Grand Admiral Thrawn: chosen for good characterisation or innovative plot points. Everyone has been read by the C2 manager for legibility.Feel free to send recommendations to MadamGrandAdmiral or ImperialJedi
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 74 - Followers: 12 - Since: 12-18-05 - Founder: MadamGrandAdmiral
Assasin and Farmboy
Luke and Mara fanfiction that I found particulary good. I mean really good. Really.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 5 - Followers: 12 - Since: 10-05-05 - Founder: LaVieBoheme76
LVB's Star Wars Collective
Stories ranging over all timeframes, genres and authors. The best on
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 132 - Followers: 12 - Since: 12-23-04 - Founder: LVB
Skywalker, Jade, and family
Great SW stories about Luke and Vader, Luke and Anakin, Luke and Mara, Anakin and Padme, or set in alternative universes.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 112 - Followers: 12 - Since: 06-28-05 - Founder: Mireilles3
Portrait of a Decoy Queen
Writing compilations associated with the Handmaiden and loyal decoy to Queen Amidala, these are the stories of Sabé. Not strictly Sobiwan, but I also include stories that have minor Ben/Sabe. If you're interested in being one of the staff message me. I can't promise that all the fics are going to be good and well-written, there's just so few Sabe stories out there...
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 198 - Followers: 10 - Since: 05-09-07 - Founder: Kpasa
Heart Burn
It flickered, burned and was remebered through the years. The love shared between Obi Wan and Siri
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 37 - Followers: 10 - Since: 06-23-05 - Founder: Hananiah
Wild Karrdes, Club Jaders, and Zahndry Others
A collection of high-ish quality, mostly multiple chapter, Star Wars stories centering around my favourite characters. Those figuring prominently are: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Padmé, Obi Wan, Thrawn, Pellaeon, the Rogues & Wraiths, and others ad infinitum…
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 180 - Followers: 10 - Since: 01-01-07 - Founder: The Lurking Writer
CMW's Star Wars Library
My personal reading library: Star Wars stories that I have read, liked, and plan to reread.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 497 - Followers: 10 - Since: 01-07-07 - Founder: CMWright
Be My Death
Originally a place for my Vader/Padme obsession, this now a community for all Star Wars stories I've enjoyed. Vader/Padme, Han/Leia, and Luke/Mara-centric.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 283 - Followers: 10 - Since: 05-03-08 - Founder: praiseofshadows
Time Jumping
When a character from Star Wars jumps through time and ends up changing the future
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 56 - Followers: 9 - Since: 03-19-11 - Founder: JLCJ
Dark Skywalker
This is a C2 for Sith Luke, Sith Leia, Sith Padme, or even Sith Shmi. Or Anakin contemplating the darkness or Vader the light. Or Anakin's fall into darkness. No Skywalkers from the EU: Mara Jade, Anakin Solo, ect., just Cannon characters.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 236 - Followers: 9 - Since: 10-01-07 - Founder: Vader's Fallen Angel
Palpatine and Amidala
Stories focusing on the relationship between the two politicians from Naboo or containing a lot of interaction between them. More fanfiction can be found at palpatine-padme(dot)livejournal(dot)com
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 58 - Followers: 8 - Since: 04-25-12 - Founder: fireandthunder
OldNew Republic. AU, Time Travel, Expanded Only Plz
This is where you can find AU, Time Travel, Expanded. for Old and New Republic or for that matter any star wars.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 7 - Followers: 8 - Since: 09-21-06 - Founder: DarthRevan010
Sick Qui-Gon
This community is where those who love to read and write about Qui-Gon in a sick or weakened state. Angst, mush, slash, and darker subjects welcome.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 7 - Followers: 8 - Since: 05-23-09 - Founder: aw3li7fhg
Luke Skywalker. The Time Traveller
An archive of stories where Luke goes into the time of Clone wars.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 14 - Followers: 8 - Since: 10-11-10 - Founder: Ermione de Verne
The Dark Times
For all the fans of Darth Vader and the Dark Times, this is a well drafted placement of the best Vader hunting Jedi stories ever...
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 3 - Followers: 8 - Since: 11-05-05 - Founder: JakeRoss2
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