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Focus: General All Categories, Since: 04-02-13
Founder: Schmiezi - Stories: 28 - Followers: 4 - Staff: 1 - id: 106870
Fanfics by members of the said forum
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And The Stars Shone Brightly by
YourLoyalBlogger reviews
In the aftermath of the Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock struggles to regain what he had lost and take out the one man left in Moriarty's web. Sebastian Moran. I am horrible at summaries and desperately hope someone can come up with something better
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 82 - Words: 105,363 - Reviews: 660 - Favs: 256 - Follows: 354 - Updated: 3/15/2014 - Published: 3/24/2012 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Press Conference by
alyxpoe reviews
BBC One News Bulletin: Press conference with NSY concerning the reappearance of "dead" deer-stalker wearing detective coming up in an hour.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,024 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 4 - Published: 9/7/2013 - John W., Sherlock H., Mycroft H., DI Lestrade - Complete
Lead me to your door by
Fantony reviews
Congrats! Your video's now on YouTube! John struggled with Movie Maker to create a video and post it on his blog as a tribute to Sherlock. It's been three years today and he doesn't know that somewhere, someone's still reading his blog...
Sherlock - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,209 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 - Published: 9/11/2013 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Is there anything you need? by
Fantony reviews
"John." His voice is barely a whisper. Mycroft freezes. Was it Sherlock? Was it the wind against the window? "Did you say something?" "JOHN! FOR GOD'S SAKE! I NEED JOHN!" Sherlock has returned. John feels so betrayed he refuses to talk to him. The detective slowly falls apart and Mycroft is more than worried. Slight Sherlock/John slash, bit emotional Mycroft. ONE SHOT.
Sherlock - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,060 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 12 - Published: 5/18/2013 - Sherlock H., John W., Mycroft H. - Complete
Love of the loveless by
Fantony reviews
Sherlock can be an insufferable bastard, John can be a real pain, yet they wouldn't have it any other way. John is the missing puzzle piece of Sherlock's life and vice-versa. Ficlets of their everyday life. Title from Eels' song. Possible slash later.
Sherlock - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 536 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/1/2013 - Sherlock H., John W.
It's been a year by
Fantony reviews
"Hey, Sherlock… I know it's been a while… It's been a year, actually… Strange anniversary, if you ask me… Anyway, I've brought you flowers. Blue irises, see? That's the first time I buy flowers for a man. People will talk again, huh?" The graveyard, one year exactly post-Reichenbach.Very slight slash. Can actually be read as deep friendship as well.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,543 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/28/2013 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
The Yard called by
NoPlastic reviews
There are things even a soldier cannot fight. (Sherlock and John as old men. Warning: sad. One-shot.)
Sherlock - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 807 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/30/2013 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Your Greatest Weapon by
alyxpoe reviews
Tomorrow I will describe it all in detail to those who care to know. Except for this. This is for me alone.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Crime - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,120 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 4/25/2013 - Sherlock H., John W., DI Lestrade - Complete
The Science of Deduction's 1st Student by
Alice I reviews
Series 2 left us with a puzzle to figure out. This is my solution. So obviously spoilers for everything. Characters John, Lestrade, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson & of course Sherlock Holmes. Now complete. 3-1-13 typos fixed and story tweaked to read better.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 16,844 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 2/11/2013 - Published: 2/5/2013 - John W., Mycroft H. - Complete
You're Being Followed by
Chocolate2011 reviews
Someone is trying to utilize Sherlock's services. In his absence, they try to hire John instead. But John's not having any of it. Post-Series 2.
Sherlock - Rated: K - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 783 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 2/4/2013 - John W. - Complete
Molecular Gastronomy by
NoPlastic reviews
Sherlock has to decide whether to solve an interesting murder case or to attend a cooking course and make John happy. Or can he do both at the same time? Johnlock, not explicit, funny.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 11,963 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 2 - Published: 12/30/2012 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Metaphorically Speaking by
Keepersprice reviews
A light-hearted little Johnlock, presented as a play in one act. Non-explicit, kiss, innuendo, some swearing. Many thanks to my beta reader, Ancientsgate, and to tobeornot221b for support.
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,116 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 15 - Published: 12/16/2012 - Sherlock H., John W. - Complete
Flatmates - a drama in three acts by
GoSherlocked reviews
John wasn't Sherlock's first flatmate, he was number four. But the only one who stayed. This is my first fanfic. Please read and review.
Sherlock - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,516 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 8 - Published: 1/4/2013 - Sherlock H. - Complete