The Origin Of Tsukiko
Long ago there were the 10 gods of the overworld the overworld pantheon included Thanatos selene Katsura Gilgamesh Maui Yamato asura Akuma and manda they created the world in the world with their pocket universe. Selene fell in love with different males, and fell in love with the bamboo cutter, and had a half-mortal woman named Tsukiko. The Sukiko was raised by her father, and she didn’t know who her mother was. Her mother was, in fact selene Thanatos grew angry that he had a stepdaughter and hated and Tsukiko, and hated every mortal on the planet Her mother found Tsukiko and mentor, trained her in martial arts, including ninja, aikido and so on after her training her father gave her your weapons, the blades of Adamantium, which are also Tonfas She had given the seven labors The first labor was to kill the eight headed dragon The second labor was to skin a Kitsune The third labor was to defeat the Tiger of the Kyushu islands The fifth labor was the kill the pacific sea dragon The six labor was to fall in love with the king of the monkey men Vega And the seventh and final labor is to eat the golden Ramen so she could become immortal However, Tsukiko would leave her rival to the mighty captain America
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