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Into the marvelverse
This is a forum for the people who like marvel and want to make thier own oc's.
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 1 - Since: 09-09-20 - Admin: demondestroyer121
New XMen
The Discussion of the New XMen! formerly New XMen: Academy X
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 0 - Since: 05-23-06 - Admin: ImMeSoDealOrFeckAff
Marvel civl war
A place to talk about the 2006 event Marvel Civl war
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 08-23-06 - Admin: loonytunecrazy
Marvel Geeks
Heres were all of us Marvel Geeks can dream about all the great things Marvel's doing, and what we wish they were doing, an just plain old talking. So its basiclly an place for Marvel lovers to talk.
English - Topics: 1 - Posts: 0 - Since: 09-19-06 - Admin: RogueArrow
Civil War
Talk about the marvel comic series, Civil War.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 10-29-06 - Admin: Pheolvrom Team
realm of the good business
this is where those who know Wilson Fisk from Marvel, ultimate Marvel and the dd movie this is your time to review the teaser and many more chapters me and my buddie created. praise me or berade me feel free!
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 12-08-06 - Admin: Bal-Ur
Who can you Trust?
Marvel's revealed what's going to happen in 2008. An event so big it rivals the Civil War. An evil so great it could shake Marvel to it's core. And when the fists start swinging, you gotta ask yourself: Who can you Trust?
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 07-18-07 - Admin: Orlandu
Firebat's Forum
Just a place for Marvel fans to come and share their thoughts. From time to time I may ask for assistance pertaining to aspects of my story, this is where that help would be provided. Thank you
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 09-19-07 - Admin: Cristov
The Ultimates RPG
A RPG based in the Ultimates timeline
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 04-02-08 - Admin: Rapid Name Change
Marvel Zero Universe
The official account of the Marvel Zero Fanverse... look inside for more information...
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 12-07-08 - Admin: Nitsua
Universe 618
This will be an area to discuss any and all things to deal with ours and the main Marvel universe, which contains the X-men fics and soon to be others under this banner.
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 0 - Since: 04-02-11 - Admin: IlluminatiKOTE
Writters needed
hello this is for an idea I had of creating a fanmade marvel universe but taking place in the fallout universe. Message me for more details if interested.
English - Topics: 1 - Posts: 0 - Since: 11-17-12 - Admin: xMARVELxFALLOUTxUNIVERSEx
Challenges You Want To See Happen
Ever get an idea for a story you would like to see, but didn't really have time to do it yourself? Or are you looking to write a story but don't seem to have the inspiration or direction needed to make one? Here's a forum that can provide both.
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 0 - Since: 05-18-13 - Admin: RexBlazer1
Marvel and DC Challenges
A place for anyone to post Marvel and Marvel Crossover Challenges. No Yaoi!
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 08-27-13 - Admin: GamaSennin'GokuRocks
Marvel Universe 2K14 Fan Fiction
Look new writers for my site known as Marvel Universe 2k14. The link is here Most characters looking for is Moon Knight,Gaurdian of The Galaxy,Big Hero Six if you are interested but if you've got any other ideas cool.Just your creative juices flow contact me.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 01-26-14 - Admin: EARTH 382
Ivan howlett
ivan howllet was abuducted at the age of 13 and turned into weapon now escaped he lives with kenzee his wife and life wont let him settle down
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 09-12-17 - Admin: logrito
MARVEL: Hero Force Season 1
Intro: MARVEL Hero Force is a story series about a team made up of teenage heroes coming to work together in order to stop the forces of evil all before school.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 10-06-17 - Admin: NightOfTheBluePhantom1995
Winter iron
I created this so we can all share headcanons or just to a bit about Bucky and Tony
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 10-11-17 - Admin: RubyRedAngel
Mein Marvel Lexikon
Ein kleines Lexikon über alles mögliche in dem Marvel Universum...
German - Topics: 3 - Posts: 0 - Since: 11-07-17 - Admin: HelenaAmaelessya
Marvel Roleplay ( ask to join )
RP Group for Marvel anons and oc's.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 12-15-17 - Admin: Vengeful Rider
Marvel if the Avengers didn't exist (OC RP)
What if the Avengers didn't exist? No Tony, no Steve, no anyone. Who would stop the Chitauri? Let's find out.
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 0 - Since: 01-22-18 - Admin: BrookTheTimeTraveler
- descriptive marvel roleplay
yes im from quotev, idk how roleplaying works originally on this site, but groups is dead on quotev so i decided to come here, this is not rpg, this will include ocs and 1x1 responses, more rules are inside
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 01-29-18 - Admin: hellahiqh
Marvel DC Fanfiction Ideas
A forum made to provide challenges for Marvel / DC Comic Fanfiction writers who need inspiration, a cure for writers block or just want a challenge! Have fun and follow the rules of the forum!
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 0 - Since: 02-11-18 - Admin: MN01
Avengers Roleplay
Roleplay! Post-Civil War. Team Iron Man is living live like it was before the war; figting crime and all that. Team Cap has gone into hiding in Wakanda. But now they have kids! Play as an OC or as one of the main characters.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 02-23-18 - Admin: ilikeyourshoelaces
Project 6214
This forum is used for a roleplay based on the story, “Project 6214”. The story is about twins who are kidnapped and sent to a Russian facility used to turn kids into animal hybrids and exploit them for free labor.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 03-22-18 - Admin: h.elsberry.2022
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