Reviews for The Rise of a Dragon
Guest chapter 45 . 9/20/2024
It's actually natural that Natsu hates Jellal. In his eyes, Jellal is really bad. Jellal's amnesia can't erase the crimes that Jellal committed. Well, maybe Natsu will be able to forgive Jellal later.
trninjakiller chapter 12 . 10/25/2023
Hope it's not a harem. Those are trash
Roseta12 chapter 2 . 9/11/2023
Wow another Fairy tail fic that is the same as the anime. Sad
DogmaticNonsense chapter 28 . 6/1/2023
this was far too much talking and posturing.
repeatetive threats and all that nonsense.
this scene is annoying in almost all ffs
Guest chapter 19 . 3/29/2023
Your chapters are too short.
Fairy Tail Fan chapter 60 . 12/28/2022
Bro you can't abandon this story is the best one of the site and we wanna see who's that final Lost Dragon Slayer who is the strongest of them all.
Ltbutterfly287 chapter 6 . 11/11/2022
I'm not sure i entirely agree with your decision for natsu just now join fairy tail
Aedwards179 chapter 1 . 11/7/2022
too many fairy tail fanfics are harems, it's annoying.
Aedwards179 chapter 1 . 11/7/2022
Please don't be a harem
cadenc98 chapter 22 . 10/5/2022
*room temperature: ROARRRRRR*
Aedwards179 chapter 2 . 9/24/2022
he's still a fire dragon slayer with a different type of dragon teaching him? makes no sense
DJdragon510 chapter 60 . 8/18/2022
Hope you're not dead by the way
faz551 chapter 2 . 6/12/2022
Again a trash fic...
deveshschavhan chapter 60 . 6/11/2022
Brother a new chapter please . Amazing story keep up
dukkeh216 chapter 16 . 5/13/2022
and here I hoped to finally see a story where a "Wizard Saint" level Natsu doesn't struggle with some random OC mook... I don't really see a purpose in making this stronger Natsu struggle against some random mooks in an arc dedicated to him forging bonds with Cana.
This Ace guy used some sort of Illusion Magic, right? Natsu stated that his Azure Flames can eat away magic, so shouldn't he be like idk immune to sth like Illusion Magic? You could have Natsu toy with these bandits and reveal to them by the end if this arc that he wasn't even taking them seriously for some comedic effect, but using such mook level ocs in that way just... disturbs me. I am kinda binging FT fics rn and so far only one has truly captured my attention. Rest of them are just simple canon reskins with "stronger" Natsu whose fights look pretty much the same as in canon. I hope that I won't get dissapointed as I move forward with this fic.
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