Reviews for Discordant
Ranmaleopard chapter 8 . 8/4/2018
This is just really interesting keep it up
Firemane chapter 8 . 6/25/2018
Good Story. too bad it seems to be abandoned. Don't think I have ever seen one where Sidious gets on Harry's good side (for a while at least)
Kloness chapter 8 . 6/13/2018
Ohh, I bet (being fates bitch) he will “suddenly” “completely by chance (or not since the force)” be unable to “wash his hands” of the he hugely complicated mess, cause he’s Harry Potter.
I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
Plus, I loooove Harry’s brand of humor so much.
Inconclusive chapter 8 . 6/1/2018
This is great. I hope you come back to it someday.
vanny98 chapter 8 . 5/28/2018
I'm so sad. This was exactly what I wanted, and nothing for more than 4 years
LongSelfindulgentReviews chapter 8 . 5/21/2018
Hey, since you’re still writing stories these days (for some value of “these days”), how about you finish this one? I got linked to this as one of the best crossovers of all time, and I have to say I agree with the recommendation wholeheartedly. Just wow. Please write more? Pretty please?
Thanasi chapter 8 . 5/12/2018
Its been a long time since this has been updated but i was hoping to make a request. Please make a one shot of harry as sidious' right hand man in the empire if he decided to work with palpatine after knowing he was sidious. I think it could be really interesting and it was my first thought when palpatine came up with the idea of him being a hatchetman for him.
D72 chapter 8 . 3/9/2018
Most fantastic, and a shame you're gone.
flashversespeedster chapter 8 . 2/21/2018
i love this story I cant believe there wasn't a few more chapters but great work anyway
BrettVT chapter 8 . 1/30/2018
Finish this please.
Holios the Demon Companion chapter 8 . 1/15/2018
Is this gonna be Asajj/Harry? Because I must admit I find the idea intriguing.
sondrex76 chapter 8 . 12/12/2017
Nice fanfic.
It was a fun read, well written and it has good grammar.
I did find a few grammar errors:
- 5
- "and didn't particularly" - "and I didn't particularly"
- 6
- "meeting dismissed" - "meeting were dismissed"
- 7
- "for single" - "for a single"

Anyway thanks for writing, it was very entertaining, and have an excellent day!
wolfd890 chapter 8 . 10/23/2017
Arrghh, please finish this story. Your writing style is excellent and easy to read. PM me if you need a beta or just someone to bounce ideas off of. I'd be glad to help.

Tony McNucklz chapter 8 . 10/16/2017
Please continue this.
Kalen Darkmoon chapter 8 . 9/6/2017
An interesting story. Too bad it was left at a cliff-hanger and never finished.
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