Reviews for Lost Memories, Reborn Evil
fireclaw239 chapter 15 . 8/18/2012
hope your chapter is up soon as well keep up the good work and you should have amy meet up with sonic in the next chap.
zoe kirkwood chapter 4 . 8/15/2012
Little Ghostie chapter 15 . 8/10/2012
YEAH! That's what I'm talking about! Way to get back in the game, Sholay!
...And yeah, it COULD have had a bit of Shadow... But that's the fangirl in me talking. Anyway, I'm off to celebrate! Try not to take another two years or so!
cassandra.dematteis.9 chapter 4 . 8/9/2012
i think is shadow, because the simbole of the phoenix means immortality, and shadow is the ULTIMATE LIFEFORM, nope? :D
Unchanging Delusions chapter 15 . 8/7/2012
God, I missed you.

I got the notification in my email about this story, and I almost couldn't believe it. While I didn't think you'd abandoned this story, I was still a little surprised to see an update for it.

As always, you did a fantastic job, and I faithfully await the next installment.
Prototron MJ Tornada chapter 15 . 8/7/2012
I once found this a long time ago. And then I lost it. I have now found it again and this time I am following so I don't lose it again! I love it!
FlameMonarch chapter 15 . 8/7/2012
Happiness. D

You do not know how happy I am that you updated. This story is one of the rare ones that really feels like I could turn on the TV and watch the latest episode of, as opposed to reading some person's blog or something. \

You write so well in character, you switch between characters to be the focus of scenes without giving favorite characters more time (like I tend to do. D), and your plot is GOING SOMEWHERE.

All-in-all, very good. )
zZ Sky Ninja Zz chapter 15 . 8/6/2012
Please update soon I wanna see anus side of the story
ShadeTH9Scourge chapter 15 . 8/6/2012
anyway I forgot to ask this, (it wont let me review twice on one chapter) but, in the begining of this chapter's story, you wrote "-two of which are living representatives of extinct species-" (I probly spelt half that wrong) which two? the only I can think of is Knuckles, cause it cant be Sonia or Manic, im not sure of Rouge because in the SoUnd series I dont remember seing any bats, and maybe Tails cause everyone thinks hes a mythical Kitsune, but, was that quote from the story iintentional or just a sort of hiccup from the previous line and you ment to put something else? I seen anfew spelling errors, but what do I know? I probly have like 50 in this review, I would love to re-read this chapter and spot them out along the way but doing just this a simple review is no piece of cake on a DS... sure I got the one with the bigger screen but its still pretty hard. XD
ShadeTH9 Scourge chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
Finnaly! An update! now only if all the other authors that havent updated in months/years would update... anyway, when do you think the next chapter will be up? If you dont really know, then its all good, I will just wait again. Good luck!
TammyHybrid21 chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
You still managed to sneak a little bit of Sonic and Shadow in though and WOW Shadow was seriously a little bit more of a Shadow than was ever expected.
Captain Kork chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
This was lovely! I loved everything about it and it's wonderful you back! Good luck with your next chapter

rubyredroses1 chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
Yay! Another update!

Not a lot to say other than this chapter was perfect just like all your others! And I totally understand about the real life stuff, I haven't updated any of my stuff due to exams destroying my motivation.

Great job!
Unknownlight chapter 15 . 8/5/2012
Man, it's absolutely surreal to see this story updated again. I put it in my story alerts years ago and gave up on thinking it'd ever be updated not long after that. Congrats on finally getting another chapter out. D

On the chapter itself: I liked it, but it was uneventful considering its multi-year delay. Admittedly, though, I think I've completely forgotten everything about this story so far, so excuse me while I go and re-read the fic...

Keep up the good work, and update SOON!
Toast chapter 4 . 5/28/2012
Give Sonic a scythe! I wanna hear Sonia scream!
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