Reviews for Negotiations
Guest chapter 4 . 6/4/2019
This is hilarious
Please write some more
demigodace chapter 4 . 1/31/2019
This was fun. I adore any fic with John/Molly (Jolly?) friendship. Not to mention Toby sleeping on top of Sherlock's head. Classic! Thanks for sharing! 3
azulkan2 chapter 4 . 6/25/2018
Loved this story. Lot of good laughs. Well done.
bee.zippy chapter 4 . 10/3/2017
Hahaha, so funny! Enjoyed immensely! And you write everyone, including Mary, very well.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/25/2017
Perfect. Brilliant. So, so, so delightful.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/25/2017
She's so right! I'm glad she's not allowing his fears to run away with him.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/24/2017
Lol T.T I loved that! I can see him hating anything "normal" like dating or shopping for clothes, holding purses being the epitome of drudgery... I can also see him not giving a fart about things other men make a big deal about.
Oh, this chapter is gloriously funny!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
I just think of Penny excitedly slapping Leonard's arm because her Shamy ship is HAPPENING! Amazing, and Mary completely ships them... She would be beside herself!

Also, Sherlock is sly... It was all a plan!? Pretty brilliant tho. Who says he's going to mind holding her purse?
ScienceMama chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
This story is adorable and so funny! I love rereading it. Mary stuffing the pillow corner in her mouth makes me cackle every time!
Helena1414 chapter 4 . 11/5/2016
This was hilarious!
Guest chapter 4 . 2/5/2016
lovely ending to this story, you made me laugh so many times
Aphraelsan chapter 4 . 6/17/2015
OMG, this story was hilarious!
MudbloodPride chapter 4 . 5/23/2015
I was smiling through the whole thing and then I reached the text conversation between Molly and John and lost it completely.
That was brilliant, that was!
I wonder, have you written more stories with text message conversations? I think you'd be amazing at it!
BlueEarings chapter 4 . 10/11/2014
This has been so amusing! I have really enjoyed reading this!
triniti71 chapter 4 . 9/15/2014
Love the story but I think that you could have closed it a bit stronger... much stronger in fact. still good though
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