Reviews for Playmate
AnatomicDevries chapter 1 . 12/31/2024
This was upsetting. Favorited.
CMVreud chapter 1 . 11/27/2024
Fuck you.
Fuck you very much. T.T
Kaylen.b4444 chapter 1 . 11/15/2024
It’s what they get. Don’t raise entitled brats️
Pillager61 chapter 1 . 10/24/2024
No. Just no...
Anon chapter 1 . 10/14/2024
ArduinoRoxx chapter 1 . 10/14/2024
The reviews on this are so dumb. Can someone even truly fall in love with someone who ruined their life, regardless of gore selfless they are?

Selflessness would mean that they try, which the epilogue states that Harry did, but that doesn’t guarantee they would fall in love, and until they love each other, the bond makes their life completely miserable.
RubinCompServ chapter 1 . 8/29/2024
Haters gotta hate, but don't let them get you down. I loved this story. Took the cliched "Veela bond" in a completely different direction. Hands-down one of my favorite Angst!Harry stories.
maiqsmail chapter 1 . 8/17/2024
What a brutal story with a healthy chunk of angst.
I like it!
Freddie Rindklip chapter 1 . 5/2/2024
What a depressing fic.
Sparkling Ratemis chapter 1 . 12/22/2023
Wonderful sad story. A great twist on the soul-mate trope. Loved it while it made me tear up in the end. Thanks for writing!
AQUA FIRE PHOENIX chapter 1 . 11/5/2023
Indra Cedar chapter 1 . 10/7/2023
I can empathize with Harry a bit, the feeling of control that I have over my own life is something that, sometimes, was the only thing I had back then when I was younger. It's comprensible for him to be so emotional about it. Plus, with the bond, it was a negative feedback loop. There's more in life than to be destinated to a 'hot chick'

Well done author, an amazing job
HalfBlood Prince chapter 1 . 7/17/2023
I came looking for a comforting love,but I ended heartbroken… :C
CrimsonAxe chapter 1 . 7/7/2023
This reminded me of how Chrono Crusade ends. A very good anime though it only had one season. Your story was well written and I could see Harry just ending it. It would be ironic if the two were to wake up in the afterlife still bonded...
Nysk chapter 1 . 6/29/2023
Wow, so sad... well written but wow.
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