Reviews for Dear Diary
Muirgen Monet chapter 2 . 7/19/2005
That is freaky! But it is also very good. The last chapter was especially great, though disturbing of course.
Califaction chapter 2 . 2/1/2004
WOW. You rule. I've always been a Tom supporter, he's such a fascinating character. "But I promise, that if I have to live in Hell then I shall at least rule it." Very moving. I loved it.
Kaelli Karali chapter 2 . 6/7/2003
Interesting! Keep writing!
almondflavouredcandy chapter 2 . 4/28/2003
This is very well-written and believable, and I hope you continue it. The last lines of chapter 2 seem to sum up Voldemort perfectly.
PajaroGris chapter 2 . 2/26/2003
Very well characterized! I love the last line: "But I promise, that if I have to live in Hell, then at least I shall rule it."

Will you be continuing this?
dinasme chapter 1 . 2/18/2003
I love this storie please update soon.
Mark JGC chapter 2 . 2/7/2003
This story has a very nice tone to it; I can very much imagine Tom Marvolo Riddle writing like this, acting like this, and having these things happen to him, and even if you never continued it beyond the first chapter, it would work well as a dark mood piece.

(One minor quibble: the last paragraph of the first chapter implies this journal entry was written shortly after Tom got into Hogwarts. But the mention of Blood Magic, which I can very much understand as a Voldemort-type thing, seems out-of-place in that setting; would an eleven-year-old Tom Riddle would not know about Blood Magic?)

Chapter #2 is even darker, with the school being just as horrible as the orphanage. I'm not sure if I like things that dark, but I must agree with Terra that even though your words and descriptions are very simple, even stripped-down (like a diary?), they make this a supremely angsty story. Well done!
mllebienvenu chapter 1 . 1/21/2003
I like this story very much so far. Please continue.
shadowycat chapter 2 . 12/16/2002
Another interesting piece of the puzzle that adds up to Lord Voldemort. Haunting. Will there be more entries?
shadowycat chapter 1 . 12/16/2002
Wow. That's an intriguing picture of the making of a monster. Abuse, abandonment, a dash of self-pity, twisted intelligence and hate, lots of hate. Stir it all together and let it simmer until it boils over. He certainly found an interesting use for the diary, too.
Terra4 chapter 2 . 12/12/2002
Wow. Now that was a very different take on Riddle. That last line, "I am condemned to Hell. But I promise that if I have to live in Hell, then at least I shall rule it" is great. Thus far, I have always seen interpretations in which he hates (duh) the orphanage, and wants to get out of that hellhole, but then finds Hogwarts a hellhole too and wants more (aka dark magic). You include that too, of course, but you don't make it as though he thought he was out of hell, or would be out of hell with dark magic. It's like a no win situation. It's so sad. Either his life sucks, as it already does, or it still sucks but he's powerful. Other than that, the "Everyone knew that potential parents wouldn’t want children who cried. Or laughed. Or smiled" line was wonderful. That truly illustrates his attitude. And his already calling everyone "fool" and stuff, that in turn shows he's already in the path that leads to his becoming LV. It's sad too, he's supposed to be still a child. Actually, I'm sure there still is a child in there somewhere. Just that nobody knows where. *sigh*

That whole friendship incident was great. I liked the images. Cold, dark, small hole in the wall, the guy with his arm bleeding and Tom with his hand over it. And then Tom setting fire to the bed. I love how you can summon such expressive and beautifully angsty and dark tableaux in a few simple words. Is Tom in a state of perpetual depression and boredom? Scary. Does he act as if he was 'normal' when in the crowd, does he try and give the impression that nothing's wrong with him? And then that dual life takes a toll on him? *shrugs* don't ask, questions just came tumbling out. If you write another chapter, you can (maybe) get inspiration from them.

Great stuff as always,

Cheers, Terra.
DragonMaiden chapter 2 . 12/1/2002
Ooh wow. Good second chapter! Looking forward to more!
The Study Hall Kids chapter 2 . 11/22/2002
This was a wonderful piece of writing. Especially full of insight into Tom's devious character. Continue with this style, and we shall keep reading.


The Study Hall Kids!
Alseid chapter 2 . 11/20/2002
Awww... how cute. He already has the seed of revenge inside of him at *such a young age*!

ozma chapter 2 . 11/20/2002
This is a complex and compelling portrait of Tom Riddle... such a sharp and bitter wit coupled with fierce and hungry intelligence. His longing for a friend was poignant, as was the fact that his one attempt went so wrong. (I was terribly relieved to read that the boy's bed was empty when Tom burned it.) Riddle's fascination with blood mades me shiver. "It's better to rule in Hell..." That suits him to a "T."

I hope that you're going to write more chapters!
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