Reviews for The Vessel
Mushippan chapter 2 . 2/9/2022
oh my..
Mushippan chapter 1 . 2/9/2022
so i guess mikasa's parents would be safe now..
man that was so badass
jei10239 chapter 31 . 1/21/2022
Good storyline. Can’t wait for the next update
Anon chapter 31 . 12/21/2021
I seriously commend you on being able to plan out this story and then being dedicated enough to publish chapters throughout the years.
The flow of the story is great, at no point did I skim through scenes (because when you showed the perspective of another character it wasn't drawn out and irrelevent).
I love the sprinkles of Levi x Sakura you give, it seems like both of them are still not aware of their growing feelings towards each other. But I also agree with Tajinprincess's review on chapter 8 - would it be so bad if Sakura got a little side action before Levi, after all, it might be another 10 chapters before they realize they like each other xD
I low-key think that Petra's letter will mention her blessing for Sakura to pursue Levi because she noticed how he gave her special attention (e.g. calling her Ackerman in order to distance himself from her).
I cried when Sakura lied to Oluo's younger brother - the scene where Sakura said Petra loved Oluo back. All the interactions and teasing you wrote about Oluo's love for Petra really fleshed out his affections even if he never told her how he felt.
Annie's crush on Itachi kind of gives me the same vibe as when Petra loved Levi. Honestly, I'm not rooting for it. But to each their own.
Amazing work as always.
TG-Esmeralda chapter 31 . 12/20/2021
This is such a great story! I originally found The Vessel on AO3, and had read up to chapter 8 (what you have currently uploaded) but then I read a comment that you had 31 chapters published on fanfiction and got so excited I binge-read the rest of the chapters :) I think your tags on AO3 are very accurate, lol slow burn indeed. I'm looking forward to your next update!
I'm in here chapter 31 . 11/9/2021
Found your fic yesterday, and haven't been able to stop reading it. I genuinely love the fact that you created a brother for Sakura, had Itachi as a teacher, and now even her as a jinchuriki is absolutely something I did not see coming. I like that you follow the plots, but take your own creativity as well. The bonds that Sakura has created is great too. Looking extremely forward to your next update :)
P.S. hope your medical schooling is going well
SG chapter 31 . 10/29/2021
I love your story so much! please, keep going
it's so fun and i love how you don't rush things and put so much effort in making the details so good and interesting
i wish you would continue writing it 3
pikkin chapter 1 . 9/27/2021
Pikkin: I stopped reading your story about a year ago when I thought this fic was abandoned. Honestly, I totally forgot how your story started, so I re-read from the start once again. The reason I'm doing that is because I myself currently working on a crossover fanfic between Naruto universe and Attack on Titan. I was inspired by you to write my own story.

For now, I'm not gonna judge your writing or anything even though I found so many flaws in it. Although, I'm a bit jealous because I can't write any better than you are. My English vocabulary is limited to my knowledge, but I have constructed a story plot ahead of my writing. Which means I know where my story starts and where my story will ends.

I wish you luck with your writing!
Guest chapter 31 . 9/22/2021
So awesome OoO! Please update
Weiss chapter 1 . 9/3/2021
SOB SOB HELSA SOBSOB SOB ;; - ;; HELLO I HAVE A FRIEND WHO RECOMMENDED THIS AND SHE WASN'T KIDDING WHEN SHE SAID THIS WAS RLY GOOD HUUHUHU this was posted in 2014 and right now is 2021, and this is hella good writing, it's very refreshing, thank you 3

cassnova5424 chapter 1 . 9/4/2021
awesome start
Guest chapter 31 . 8/24/2021
I love it Update please
Uzumaki D Narut0 chapter 1 . 7/22/2021
It's not much but when I read this I felt anxious for sakura. Normally fanfictiom doesn't evoke anything much in me. Your a really good author op.
mytrafalgarlaw chapter 30 . 7/6/2021
I first thought having the others from Naruto world coming would be too weird or something and I thought I wouldn't like it. But you have yet again changed my mind and I'm so hooked again! Even the relationship between Sakura and Levi looks so natural and I love it! And they haven't even realized their feelings yet! You're such a great author! Thank you!
mytrafalgarlaw chapter 23 . 7/5/2021
I'm too hooked with this story and your awesome writing and your magnificent plot to stop now! I don't know how I didn't come across this masterpiece sooner! Thank you for creating this masterpiece!
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