Reviews for The Vessel
LadyRidger chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
Wow, awesome start... Please continue. I'm interested to see how you handle the Ackerman home invasion and how the Jaeger family will fit in. As for pairings, Levi or Jean or Reiner with Sakura would be neat. Please add this crossover to your main project list.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
I hope you continue, its really good so far. Also for the pairing I choose either Erwin or Mike
JellyBean chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
Ohmygosh. I love this already!
I pretty much pouted when there was no next chapter button xD The way you've written this really makes you engrossed and unable to stop reading.
Can't wait to read more! Keep up the amazing work! :3
deedee2034 chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
This is wonderful! I love how you started Sakura out in this chapter and her development and experience as the story progress (skill and understanding wise). I can't wait to see your next update! :)

Btw, I'm a Levi fan and a Armin fan but since Armin is a little young for our main character here, I vote Levi! hehe! :D
Ace Clover chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
Wow this is so awesome! Is the thugs referred here are the ones who supposed to attack Ackerman's home? Because if it is, then Mikasa won't triggered her inner super strength. But I guess it won't matter since Sakura will teach her taijutsu.

For pairing, I vote ErwinxSakura!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
This story sounds really good, I hope to see a update someday. Xx
brokenmaelstrom chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
A promising start! You said that Naruto-verse will be AU, so I am assuming that major events of the SnK-verse will be relatively the same? Ah, I guess that also depends on whether or not you decide to pick it up as a main project or allow your muse to take the lead. I for one would find both interesting, but a more developed plot is rather enticing C:

Go for the romance! I'm a sucker for romance, however if you aren't too sure with what to do then I suggest you keep the romance aspect as simple as possible. Once you're more familiar with your characters and how their romance will affect the story then you can get into the nitty gritty drama and angst... if that's what kind of relationship it turns into anyhow (mine always do). I'm Levi biased, so he'd be my choice.

Anywho! Can't wait to see where this goes!
Happy writing!
Atsirk Enoh chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
It not your fault Sakura!
pepergirl001 chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
So, wait this Sakura will be cool and not the mockery I see in the manga? I mean she is one of my favorite characters and all but she could have been so much cooler than what Tsunade made her be (yes I don't consider Kakashi her sensei) anyways sorry for getting off track...who will you pair her with? I loved how you started it and I hope you update as soon as your muse inspires you
foraslanthelion chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Interesting story, and I'm so glad people are starting to do these SNK-Naruto cross-overs. Have you checked out Keep the Fox in the Bag by phoenixyfriend? It has some similar details you had in this story, but it's centered on Naruto and Konohamaru trying to figure out what the hell's going on - pretty entertaining shit.

While I don't think that Sakura's necessarily weak, with how this story's going, it's a plausible goal and driving theme for making herself 'stronger'. Overall, good start, and I hope you continue.

Oh, by the way, take it easy on the pairings; actually, if it's possible, I'd go without because as of now, this story needs no romance (I think when I refer to 'romance', I'm thinking solely of major cross-pairings involving Sakura; with all this shit going on with her... that'd just make the story a bit cluttered).

If you do go ahead with it, please, no melodramatic, over-the-top bull. Keep caution safe and snug inside your pocket; protect it from the howling, bitchy wind!

I like it,
Latin Gardenia chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Plz update soon, this is getting interesting
Bum reviews chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Its great so far,you put alot of detail into the characters and writting ,so the picture was painted perfectly. Ill continue to support you,and figure out which pairing to ship hehe :)
asredwer chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Very nice job with this story. I really like how well you developed Sakura's relationship with Helsa and the others. It helped better understand what Sakura was feeling during and after that scene.

This looks like it could turn out to be an excellent story and I look forward to reading more.
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