Reviews for Son of the Western Sea
MaybirdGreen chapter 2 . 3/17/2014
Thanks for updating! I love your story!(;
Guest chapter 2 . 3/17/2014
Your story is making me want to read the Percy Jackson series. I've heard reasonably good things about it, but while I can appreciate YA literature, I'm more than a bit old for it. I'd have to guess you're putting a pretty impressive and mature spin on it, but it's possible I'm mistaken.

In either case, I'm a fan of your Percy. While a deep and abiding sense of wanderlust is utterly terrifying to me, I like the idea of a hero who just roams the world getting in to trouble and righting wrongs. He seems powerful but not unbeatable, smart but not all-knowing, brave but not beyond fear. In essence, he strikes an excellent middle ground on the power scale. He is ultimately mortal and human, not matter how great his power or potential.

I'm very familiar with the Greco-Roman pantheon in general and I've got snippets of knowledge in other pantheons as well. Norse mythology is particularly rich, but it's insanely dark when everyone isn't drunk or sharing old war stories. Egyptian mythology also has some particularly rich bits, mainly surrounding Ra, Osiris and Isis. I'd personally be very interested to see Percy muck around in those areas a little bit. In addition, Mithra has always seemed particularly interesting to me. I don't know much about legends involving him outside of his hallmark with the bull, but he's always struck me as interesting. Greco-Roman gods have a large tendency to do as they please. Mithra seems very different as a judge, arbiter, and god of oaths.

In any case, I'm finding this story fascinating, if a little hard to keep up with at times. It's no snub to your writing, there's simply a large amount of outside knowledge that if not necessary, is at least helpful to reading this story. For instance, I enjoyed the scene with the wild hunt a great deal as I have at least a passing familiarity with them. In any case, I'll certainly continue to follow along.

fantomfaire chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
This is a most amazing story! The research into the different pantheons is astounding! I love how all gods just assume that Percy will accept godhood! I knew as soon as they said that they wanted to make him a god that they hadn't asked him yet and that it was bound to fail! I love this story and I look forward to reading more! Thank you for sharing this fantastic story!
general zargon chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
Oh hey, an update! I don't really get the joke that Manannan and his horse were laughing about, but I laughed and really enjoyed the magical language powers that Percy got from the fish. :D Those will definitely come in handy! I kind of want Percy to pick up Ascalon, the spear St. George used to kill a dragon, because wouldn't that be awesome? Either that or the hide of Leviathan. ;) I really enjoyed the Irish portion of Percy's journey, and I laughed at the part where Percy encountered the leprechaun - oh, excuse me - clurichaun. Blackjack and Mrs. O'Leary are awesome. XD I really look forward to finding out what the next leg of Percy's journey will be like! Please keep up the excellent work and update soon!
snixxjuice214 chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
I loved this chapter. I really love this story and cant wait to see where this is going. Please update again soon :)
grayfox1991 chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
I absolutely love this story. You have only two chapters written so far and already it's one of the best Percy Jackson fanfic's that I have read. I am greatly appreciating the different cultures of the three pantheons, Celtic, Greek and Shinto.
Percy as the main character has the generic ability to turn people into his friends and allies, I believe the trope is called a magnetic hero.
I'm a little confused on the Greek's view of Percy though, if I didn't know any better I would say they're possessive of him, and I mean all of them, including Hera of all gods and that just fills me with unease.
Good story and I hope you update, looking forward to the meetings of the oceans and seas.
TheWickedTruth89 chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
Great chapter, can't wait for more.
TheWick chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
Amazing chapter! You portray Percy so perfectly and astoundedly well, that for a second, I forgot I was reading a fanfiction and thought it was the work of Rick... I absolutely love this story and can't wait to see where you will have this go! Keep up the amazing work!
Lord of the Disc chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
Great chapter. Really enjoyed the wide variety of myths you used. I recognized some of them, but not all of them. So I learned something new today as well.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
sacredpools chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
Okay. I'd just like to say that I really, really love this story. Seriously, it's probably one of my favorite Percy Jackson stories ever. The fact that you took all of the awesome mythology from the Percy Jackson series that I loved and then expanded it to fit in with other cultures, adding in new and exciting pantheons as you went? Best. Thing. Ever.
And completely aside from that, you also write really well, which makes the story even more enjoyable.
But anyway, I loved that you clearly put so much effort into the places that Percy goes. I mean, seriously, awesome work there. And I like the storyline idea, with the fact that Zeus seals the gods away for five years, and it works, thus delaying the Heroes of Olympus storyline for five (or more?) years. Also really looking forward to all ripple effects and to seeing what happens there. And the fact that it isn't Percabeth - well, I liked them in the books, but I respect what you've done here, and I kind of agree that it wouldn't work as well. I also like Percy's wanderlust and the part of the prophecy that indicates that he (might?) get to wander forever (which, by the way, if it refers to him and if I'm interpreting it right (because prophecies can be very vague and misleading), does that mean that he'll become a god (and if he does, Japanese or Greek? Or of a different pantheon? )? Or that it could be like a version of the Wild Hunt, where he stays alive only as long as he keeps sailing and traveling? Or the Flying Dutchman (vaguely applicable here!)? Or does he get to run across or meet them? That could be really awesome too).
Also, I really like the tensions you have between the pantheons, because that sounds completely realistic, and it's also interesting. On that note, I also really want to find out what happens between the Japanese and Greek pantheons (I have to confess that I may be at least slightly biased towards the Greek side if this does end up coming to a straight-out fight, because I've been obsessed with them since I was little), and all the bits of Percy's journey that haven't come up yet. Are you going to have him visit places like Greece and Rome, where the Olympic gods come from? There aren't different versions of the gods running around there (like in American Gods, for example), right? Presumably, they wouldn't have local gods because all of theirs are in the US, although I assume they'd still have the monsters. Or would very minor/local deities still be there?
And finally - you put the Wild Hunt in. And the Salmon of Knowledge. I love the Wild Hunt! Reading that part was one of the best parts if the chapter. And I loved Manannan and Seafoam. Seriously, this is the absolute best thing ever.
(Sorry about the nested parentheses and if I'm being too nosy in some places. This is a really great story! Also, "I Meet a Magic Fish"? Truly a great chapter title in the style of all the best Percy Jackson chapter titles)
One Shiny Mess chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
These first two chapters were fantastic and I adore all of the mythology.
Sage of Wind Dragons chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
well hell you've chosens some fucked up doosies to throw him into here.
and everyone like let percy in cause hes NICE and it will really sqrew with the western powers... im getting a hate the west vibe from everyone which is interesting.

still what a MESS. especially with how oblicious everyone is.

I have to say that Susano is someone im licking a hell of a lot more than his wife.

stil lthis should be a MESS of some crap, especially with how self suffiecnt the children of the west are now...
don't like the fact that your macking him gay and all. percy in canon ISNT and in fact is going to be a PLOT point in regards to Nico who IS or has a single crush on someone or... and just forcing him to do so for... I don't evne know why is annoying, but you haven't actually touched opon it yet so well see right?

and uh.. for the time period throwing up foods and all sorts of things.. that sounds like their was a STORY behind it, on both sides.
still some fun to be ahd here, I like how complicated you've made it alla dnt he east gods macking ASSUMPTIONS... well hell.

although I wonder, with china and commie and interesting human liberaties and the GODS and mortal and the spiritual sides of things...
huh. should be interesting.
Animegurl64 chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
This...This might actually be the best story I have ever read in this fandom.

It might be the best story I've read in the last three years actually.

You've hooked me. You've dug into the myth-loving part of my brain that made me pick up Percy Jackson and fall in love with the original series in the first place AND THEN YOU MADE IT BETTER.

Part of my problem with Heroes of Olympus (which is still pretty good as far as books go but has some significant problems) was Percy and Annabeth kind of just...settling. Yeah, that's the word, settling. The two of them are hands down the most butt-kicking of demigods, to the point I was never even remotely concerned for them whatsoever in House of Hades, but putting them into a structured relationship kind of killed it for me. they're dull and it feels like Riordan's taken the pairing as far as he can while keeping it 12 and under.

But Percy and Annabeth as individuals? That still interests me.

You've done here what I love best about fan fiction. You've asked: What if? and then taken it to the farthest logical extreme and KEPT GOING. It's like you've made the Kingdom Hearts of the Percy Jackson series.

Your Percy? So far, I can see it as a logical character progression. I want to see more of him. I want to see him continuing to grow. And mostly I want to see if that journey never actually ends. I think it'd be cool to explore.

As for lands, if your still taking suggestions, Have him sail into Hudson's bay in winter. Polar Bears and First Nations lore galore there. Or the Maritimes, or even British Columbia (Salish tribes and totem poles). I like that he goes with an open heart and mind, never assuming his way is the best and learns from other people as he goes. It's exploring without colonizing.

And I'm biting my nails with the council. On the one hand, I want to see a quick resolution. But on the other hand, drawing it out it delightfully torturous too.

Though I am hoping you'll explain more of this 'treachery' and 'betrayal' business. I have a feeling it has to do with godly politics, and I can certainly understand the reaction on Olympus. I had a feeling that while Percy as an individual might be friendly with other gods, the Olympians wouldn't be thrilled. Is it just them being Possessive or is their some actual back story here?

The only trouble I foresee you having is getting the Giant War going, but honestly? Minor future concern.

This is incredibly well researched and I'm excited to see some more. Hopefully soon. :)

Guest chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Love it! Really excited to see what happens next.
fantomfaire chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
This has been an incredible story so far! I really hope you plan on continuing this story because I really want to know more!
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