Reviews for Night In, Lights Out
Aoife Miranda chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
This was very sweet! I really enjoyed Sherlock and Mycroft bonding, along with the latter being sentimental and having a heart. I was sad for Sherlock being bullied at school, though. :( But it's nice to know that he'll always have an ally in Mycroft. :)
Random Ruth chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Aww this is so cute, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I did wonder where the whole "Blud" thing came from and I like your suggestion here. We had a power cut on Friday and I was looking forward to keeping myself busy without electricty - but then Dad switched on the generator! I had no excuse left to eat all of the ice-cream in the freezer. *Sigh* Anyway, I adore this! :)
brothermine chapter 1 . 3/25/2014
aww this was sweet I love Mycroft!
Ballykissangel chapter 1 . 2/2/2014
So cute and adorable! Loved Mycroft and Sherlock, well done. May I add it to the non slashers unite c2?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
That was such a sweet story! Very clever, with the incorporation of the elements from s3. Well done, keep it up!