Reviews for Actions and Words
Lord Darkly chapter 2 . 4/24/2014
Once again, you demonstrate your ability to write Orochimaru, while retaining his Alucard-esque creepy badassery.

Plus, I can totally imagine him saying all of those lines. It wouldn't surprise me if literally all of them were ripped straight from canon.

Also, Kyuubi. Enough said. You pulled off the clever demon very nicely. It's almost tragic how quickly he lost his mysterious effect and reverted to the equivalent of a grumpy little brother who didn't get his turn on W.O.W.

Sasuke continues to grow more sympathetic with each passing chapter. Keep up the good work.

Yours truly,

-Junior Associate of the Awesome Authors Coalition
AlmostElectric chapter 2 . 4/24/2014


I like the line "look of despair". It makes my heart do the cry. Excellent.

It's past 4AM.

Fight was good. Sasuke is an ass, but a nice, "THIS-IS-FOR-THE-GREATER-GOOD" ass that I would like to marry. Bit like Itachi, but also Sasuke.


Kyuubi is nice and ominous. And male. And no "Kit". Good. Good. That is the good thign.

"And the room exploded.


Because Sasuke is co-ordinated ninja man RAPID CLAPPING

I love this Sasuke and this chapter is excellently written as always. WAITING ANXIOUSLY
AlmostElectric chapter 1 . 4/14/2014
I didn't look at this before. And now I am reading it. This Sasuke is funny.

I like this. I like that. You should continue. It's great.
Igornerd chapter 1 . 3/31/2014
As always you write with that awesome style of yours.
Yours descriptions are...aaah! I envy your descriptions so much!

It's refreshing seeing this from Sasuke's perspective, especially because you show the reasons he had to leave the village.
Preier chapter 1 . 3/18/2014

i don't believe for one second that it could be canon!sasuke... but i would very much rather learn about this sasuke than the one that kishimoto inflicted on us.
Aegon Blacksteel chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
This was a great one-shot delving into Sasuke's mindset something many people ignore or demonize. Through Sasuke's point of view he seems to have valid reasons to escape Konoha when he did, but there are some things I have to question about Sasuke, while he did consider Naruto to be his rival, he was also extremely jealous of Naruto's growing potential, Sasuke could not accept the fact that Naruto might have surpassed and be more important in Itachi's eyes. Of course Sasuke misunderstood the situation about Itachi trying to abduct Naruto, but still held on to this belief and during the battle of Vote he seemed intent on killing Naruto which he actually did using Chidori and if it would have killed Naruto if it had not been for Kurama healing that wound. Otherwise this was good and it would be interesting to see another chapter or one shot talking about Sasuke's reaction and thoughts on the Hokages's revelation and the curse of hatred in recent events.
YellowPaint chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
This was great, It's such a fresh look on Sasuke, I really enjoyed it and I really hope you write more. And mega-kudoes to you and your beta for really making 1st person work so well, it was super engaging. Great work!
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 1 . 2/2/2014
I would be pretty happy to see this continued. :)
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