Reviews for Actions and Words
SuperDQGalaxy chapter 4 . 4/4/2017
Sasuke is one of my least favorite characters in Naruto. Congrats on actually making him likeable.
DarkJewel55 chapter 10 . 2/24/2017
Wait what? Jiraiya's novels? Are you trying to freak him out Sasuke?
Guest chapter 21 . 2/3/2017
Update please!
CrazyCriticer46 chapter 21 . 12/19/2016
Hope next chapter is 10k.
Taggg chapter 21 . 12/10/2016
Oh man, one chapter left? T_T such a cliffhanger!
At least I liked a lot how you have written Sasuke!
Taggg chapter 10 . 12/10/2016
Ooooh I loved this 'Trollsuke'!
Anyway, I like how you write him! :3c
Jaricchi chapter 21 . 10/2/2016
I hope that this isn't the end itself! Sasuke can't simply die! Unless, you want it that way. I personally think that's a good way to go, but meh, he's the main character-ish here, so he can't die. xD

Anywhoo~ I love the way you wove in everything, cannon wise with a bit of changes plus the way you wrote in Sasuke's new point of view. This is really amazing, have I mentioned I love your Juugo and Suigetsu? And I bet there will be awkward girl fights in the future, huh? XD Thanks again for writing and sharing this fic! It was an amazing read!

Ever Reading
novelreader chapter 20 . 10/1/2016
I just realized something... Indra is the main antagonist of this fic, isn't he?

And here I wanted to believe that everyone was going to have a happy ending, including Asura and Indra.
Seriously chapter 17 . 9/19/2016
I'm really really hoping you update soon so we can see the fight between Danzo and Sasuke... I wonder what you're going to do with the Sasuke vs Kage fight? Is there even going to be? Is Indra going to possess Sasuke again? If Indra fights Danzo then that would be interesting like switching consciousness with Sasuke or something I don't know, I mean Sasuke seems much more... sensical, not in denial about Itachi's death, unless he actually is and has been burying it in favor of dealing with the current situation and danger, but still he still seems to be aware rather then single-minded you know

Anyway my answer as to why Tsunade didn't send reinforcements was kind of answered here and I didn't realize it!
guest chapter 21 . 9/4/2016
Is there ever going to be a new chapter?
novelreader chapter 19 . 8/23/2016
So Indra's coming out to play. You wrote this way before the fillers and watching the episode and seeing Indra so bloodthirsty and enjoying it, destroying his village and about to stomp his father and brother with Susanno, he really lost it. I'm kind of lost as to why he lost it, I have theories, but from other Uchihas who went batshit crazy or crazy in the sense of misguided, it had to do with death and not really death they implemented, then again we don't really know how Madara and Izuna got the Mangekyou though we assume the war forced them to watch their brethren to die which activated but it seems that the Mangekyou requires a person to either specifically kill the person they love or feel some sort of regret whether they are the one responsible of killing that person or not. And with the Sharingan, the person relives that terrible experience which I could imagine can crack a person psyche, for Kakashi it seems to be pure PTSD, and Sasuke too though maybe in a more extreme case after Danzo? Shisui had the Mangekyou and he seemed fine. Obito might have also been dealing with PTSD after Rin's death as well as, and someone theorized this, schizophrenia? Fugaku seemed fine. Itachi... well after Shisui's death, Itachi killed his family and while he was doing it for the greater good the village and it was orders and all, well I'm still rocky on whether Itachi was fine after gaining the Mangekyou. So not sure if the Mangekyou or the Sharingan in general affects the mind, but Indra certainly seemed changed after killing his minions, and I think it was because of that, that he felt he had to do it to gain the throne he felt he deserved that drove him somewhat on the edge, as well as his power making him disillusioned and unaware of his own humanity? He gained a god-complex. Earlier when I read this I felt this was more Madara partly because I see a lot of Madara, I mean he had a god-complex, and he loved battle! But the filler and this chapter shows Indra loved battle too, and he has a god-complex, it's probably something that all his reincarnations have in common... though I don't know if I would say Sasuke has a god-complex, though he has an inferiority-superiority complex so I guess it's close. Sasuke was just lucky to not only have a prodigious older brother to kick his ass, but other strong characters and situations in which his arrogance and ego was shot down. Lucky guy.
fan chapter 21 . 8/20/2016
your story is really good. Are you gonna keep updating?
Guest chapter 21 . 8/13/2016
;A; ;A; ;A; ;A; ;A;
but it's soooooooo good!
fan chapter 21 . 8/2/2016
have you abandoned the story?
novelreader chapter 18 . 7/29/2016
Wow just wow. Holy fuck! That ending was sort of anti-climactic and maybe not? Like for a moment I thought Sasuke was going to win, but if I didn't skip ahead and expected it. I mean for a moment he had two Peins left and was about to go for the kill and then all of sudden he just collapse from overload, it's like Iron Man realizing he used to much power in his suit and all of a sudden shutting down in the middle of that battle. Not good. Okay I don't know much about Iron Man, only watched some of the latest Avenger movies, and I forgot how Iron Man 1 went so it's not a good comparison... but you know what I mean right? Talk about a stroke of bad luck.

And where the hell did... I mean I'm guessing the bold words were Sasuke's and Indra's voices melded together but animalistic? Did Indra become a dark spirit after he died, a poltergiest or something, I don't know, a vengeful spirit, is that why he sounds demonic along with Sasuke's voice... it seemed like Sasuke's holding his own demon inside. Well he's holding in a demi-god's chakra so I guess so, and Naruto has a demi-god AND a demon fox so dat guy's even more powered up. Poor Pein is like really confused lol. "WHAT ARE YOU!?"

I'm starting to wish your last chapter had a cut with Naruto fighting Pain instead of Danzo even though it was a great tease for what's to come. The dialogue between Pain and Naruto during that fight was interesting, and I'm curious if the dialogue changed because I imagine Sasuke's actions must confuse Pain a lot , or anger him into thinking he's pathetic or something, I think confusing sounds more right though. That and Kakashi isn't dead and the village isn't as destroyed as it was in cannon since Sasuke stopped Pain from doing Shinra Tensei on the village. So Naruto's probably less mad, and more affected maybe by what Pain is saying because he didn't get to inflict much pain on the village due to Sasuke. I mean why help the village that ordered the death of your entire family? It's strange and maybe sad, perhaps Pain came to the conclusion that Sasuke was brainwashed with national loyalty like Itachi, I imagine someone like Pain would think that since he seems to despise the village system that destroyed everything he held dear. The national well-being mattering more than the people mindset would be something he'd disapprove of I guess...

Anyway I love your fight scenes so I got nothing to complain. After all this story is called "Actions and Words" and actions at times speak louder then words. You see the dynamics and changes these characters get from these fights and their emotional turmoil, whether Pain likes it or not he's deeply affected by both Sasuke's words and his actions, to him who thinks himself god, this human telling him that he's pathetic and acting like he's better then him because he's not letting his pain guide his actions and affect his mind to self-pity. Sasuke may be hero sort of, but Naruto does it better, at least he's nice about... well he's nicer then Sasuke anyway...

I always thought Pain's corpses were nothing more then corpses being controlled by Nagato's strings of chakra with his black rods that are pinned to it. How does the Animal Path, or was it the Preta, end up having a beating heart?

At first I was surprised that Naruto didn't kill of many Pains like he did in the show, just one I think, the Naraka Path I think, which is still good, he's the most important Path to kill. Was there another because I lost count. I think the Paths Sasuke ends up fighting were the Animal Path, the Deva Path, and the Preta Path, so Naruto took out the other three, right. Yeah Naruto is badass. Anyway I know the reason it went differently here is because Pain never got the chance to do that almight Shinra Tensai on the village to obliterate thanks to Sasuke, so there should have been more people alive to help Naruto out! Where are they and what are they doing, just watching and recording the battle, or did Tsunade entrust Naruto to protect the village due to learning Sage Jutsu. She was messed up in cannon after the village got destroyed and wanted the fight Pain then and there despite being low on chakra until Naruto stopped her, in this timeline AU dimension whatever does she do the same thing or is she clearheaded enough to be in the background for the time being, trust Naruto to kick Pain's ass because that speech she gave to her counselors seem to imply that she plans Naruto to fight Pain anyway, heal the wounded, and gather up some forces for back up for later. Will we see her later?

Finally the Hinata vs. Pein fight was awesome. I mean in both here and the show. This chapter just missed the confession but then it's in Sasuke's point of view. I have the wonder exactly how he was getting those images, was it because of his eyes?

Great chapter! Great fight! Please update your fic soon so I have motivation to finish these chapters thoroughly. :)
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