Reviews for Twelve Again
lucife56 chapter 1 . 2/21/2012
Hi! An interesting story so far but I think that Snape was born in 1960, wasnt he? Maybe Im mistaken
cyiusblack chapter 25 . 2/13/2012
update soon
GateGhost chapter 25 . 10/12/2011
loved it. can not wait for the next chapter
VioletMarauder chapter 25 . 9/26/2011
This story is excellent. So disappointed it's not finished.
Snark-sass chapter 25 . 9/25/2011

Suxa chapter 25 . 9/18/2011
I really like your story it's too bad you weren't able to bring it to a conclusion. Too bad I though this was quite original and well written!
NobodyInParticular chapter 25 . 7/3/2011
Thank you so much for writing this. You have no idea how hard it is to find a story that is well-written and thoughtful. I have little hope that you will continue writing it, since the last update seems to have been around eight years ago, but I did want to tell you that I love your story and that it would have become one of my most beloved fics had it been finished. I was devastated to see it end. But thank you for writing it in the first place.
cybersuzy chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
I just discovered and read your fanfic entirely, and I think it' great ! Secially the time sev spends in the death eater's den.

But did you drop it ? If you have, it's a real pity, because I have a real feeling for this fic. Great work !
JSML chapter 2 . 4/1/2011
Actually, Severus should only be 35 or 36.
Clarilyn chapter 25 . 12/9/2010
SilkenRoseDreams chapter 25 . 11/27/2010
I don't suppose I could beg you to update and give me another chappie?

xxlaurelxx chapter 25 . 11/7/2010
I absolutely love, love, love this story! Please, please, please continue to update it! And soon!
lumosdance chapter 8 . 9/10/2010
yes- very gud story so far :)

i liked the part when severus found out about what happened when voldy found out he was a spy- he had 13 2min crucios and didnt scream O_o ...(and a bunch of other parts)

definately want to finish this story!
tomboy980980 chapter 3 . 9/2/2010
poll: i think he shud return to his normal age
Claguen chapter 6 . 8/19/2010
I love your fic !
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