Reviews for Twelve Again
duj chapter 6 . 11/27/2004
Very resourceful.
duj chapter 4 . 11/27/2004
"Running around headless was almost understandable, but heading around bodiless?" Beautifuuly put.

Severus's relationship with James doesn't seem canon-compatible but maybe it was when you wrote it?
duj chapter 3 . 11/27/2004
To Snape the control issue is a moral issue... very perceptive.
duj chapter 2 . 11/27/2004
I'm back :)

Great chapter. Young Snape is so innocent and well-brought up but strong and determined; except for the innocence those are all features of canon-Snape.

Wonder whether he'll get bullied by the people he harassed as a teacher.
RowanRhys chapter 25 . 11/27/2004
I had lost the link to this fic back in February 2003. Then I got deployed to the Middle East and I spent a lot of my little bit of off duty time wondering what would happen to "Twelve Again" Severus. Upon my return, "real life" intervened, but then, two days ago, I found a recommendation for it on a webpage and I was so thrilled to see so many chapters were up.

I think this is the best written "young Severus" story I've ever seen and I have a soft spot for these particular types of fics. You've maintained consistency of characterization, you've made both the Severus and the Matty sides of him amazingly complex and you've given us some wonderful and reasonable interactions with the canon and non-canon characters.

I especially like the way you have Severus reacting to Voldemort-I espcially enjoyed the "playing with your food" comment!

Also, I love the lack of typos and grammatical errors that tend to throw me out of so many fics that have good storylines but careless writing. The best of both-my only disappointment is that there hasn't been an update since August 2003, but my own fics have been languishing as long because of "real life" issues, so I won't accuse you of abandoning thestory.

I do hope that you are able to combat the writer's block, or the mundane issues that prevent you from writing right now. And when that time comes, and you are able to share, once again, Severus' story about getting to grow up again.
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