Reviews for Trust and Providence
summer164 chapter 1 . 5/10/2024
Re reading thos after a couple of years.
I like how Matthew reacted to the truth
MagicMirrorSeesAll91 chapter 9 . 8/5/2023
I know this is an old fic and this like my 100th time reading it but I had to add, I actually feel bad for Edith and very much empathize with has been cruel to her her entire life and the entire family treats her differently simply because of her looks. Did she go to far? Yes.
BUT if I was Edith I wouldn't buy the rape story either. I'd think oh look of course Mary is given a pass and is able to excuse this away too. Of course let's wrap it up nicely for her. It was never her always someone else.
Not saying it wasn't rape but just putting myself in Edith's shoes. If I was her I'd have to move away from the family and see them very limitedly. Being the never measuring up middle child sucks.
No one notices her unless it's to make fun of her or scold her.
Becca-hearts-Downton chapter 39 . 6/23/2023
Can't wait for more!
Becca-hearts-Downton chapter 26 . 5/23/2023
I love how this story tackles religion. The show never really did, but the Crawleys historically would have believed certain things. I like the way you really delve into religion and use it as a source of hope for Matthew and Mary in this chapter3
Cheerra12 chapter 39 . 6/26/2022
I just found this story and I absolutely love it! I hope you update soon!
Kat chapter 39 . 5/29/2022
Thank you for sharing this, I haven’t been able to put it down. I really like how you’ve written Mary!
Amity95 chapter 39 . 5/6/2021
Looking forward to chapter 40 and the next part of this fan fic!
Stephanie chapter 39 . 10/16/2020
So beautiful story! Five years and I still hope this story will be finished. I have imagined the end of this story: M&M have successful firm, new babytwins and love to each other.
TGC chapter 39 . 8/8/2020
I love this! And my selfish cruel mind is saying: ''Make something happen to Edward please. I need Matthew Crawley; Earl of Grantham. Maybe? Perhaps? Please? Just... please. Maybe falls inot the river. Pleaaase.
Grayroc chapter 16 . 6/29/2020
An interesting chapter. You've continued the A/U line and it seems logical. Edith has a son; Mary is planning on moving out of Downton. I'm just a tad surprised she is leaving Downton without more regrets. In the TV series, Mary's attachment to Downton was very strong. This Mary seems more pragmatic with her new role.
Grayroc chapter 15 . 6/11/2020
A very interesting chapter. The men who came back, having survived the horrors of war, seldom talked about it. You've accurately captured Matthew's reluctance to 'talk about it.' Once again compliments on writing the dialogue appropriate to people living in 1915. The word quell, sadly, doesn't get used much anymore.:)
Grayroc chapter 14 . 5/27/2020
A great homecoming for Lt. M. Crawley. Edith married Sir Anthony? Another difference from canon, due to the beating of a butterfly's wings. I always liked Sir Anthony's character, so I'm happy with the change. As to life on the Western Front for the BEF, I highly recommend Peter Jackson's documentary, They Shall Not Grow Old.
Grayroc chapter 13 . 5/14/2020
chapters 12/13. Congratulations for taking a very tense situation and rescuing both Mary and Matthew from chapter 11's great moment of difficulty. Let us hope Matthew can avoid being anywhere near the Somme. Unlikely. We shall see whether Mary's basic nature has changed, once she returns to Downton.
Grayroc chapter 11 . 5/12/2020
I thought I knew where this chapter was headed and was totally wrong footed. I'm not entirely certain about Mary's reaction...afterwards. Trauma is always tricky and the triggers are hardwired into the amygdala. What is certain, is that in the short time they have left before Matthew leaves for training, will be full of angst. Fortunately, Matthew will miss the Battle of Mons.
Grayroc chapter 10 . 5/8/2020
And here we are, WW1, " The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time ".

Matthew like a million other men in Britain, raced to join up to fight the Hun. The concept of cowardice and what was manly ran deep in the culture. It was not uncommon for women to give men, suspected of not doing their duty, a white feather.(there was a group called 'The Order of the White Feather")
Mary's arguments to Matthew about waiting are entirely cogent but wasted. Being Matthew meant he would never wait for conscription, he would volunteer. Good job setting out this conversation.
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