Reviews for My Ex-con
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2018
I just wanted to say Bella is a way better person than I would be! Alice gets mad Jasper had a kid before she met him/while they weren’t together 8 years ago. She says she doesn’t want to raise someone else’s kid. Wow. She says Jasper cant grow up if Bella keeps cleaning up his messes, meaning she’s pissed Bella is raising Charlie, even though she doesn’t want him. What does she want Bella to do? Not employ her brother, let him fend for himself and have psychotic breakdowns out on streets alone? She thinks she could do a better job but she’s been with Jasper for almost 8 years. Then she comes back with Jasper pregnant with some other mans baby that she is going to raise WITH Jasper. Unbelievable. It’s so fucked up. She won’t take care of Charlie but Jasper was practically begging to raise some other mans baby. They’d only been broken up for 4 months so she had to have gotten pregnant right away, revenge? Jasper’s logic is awful, I was heartbroken for Charlie but I’m glad he has Bella and Edward. Also, how ironic is it that Alice is pissed Bella takes care of Jasper and blames her for everything just to come back and live off of Bella herself? Living in her carriage house and the big house she owns across the street. I’d be done with both of them.

I’m sad the story ended there! Where’s the epi? I’d like to see Edward and Bella grow and have more children! (And not be sucked into J&A’s drama. I don’t see Jasper staying sober or sane. Alice will leave again. It will always be a rollercoaster cycle for them, I’m worried about that new baby too)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2018
Ew. She is such an annoying, judgemental, conceited Bitch. I already hate her.
Jane3105 chapter 2 . 3/19/2015
It's an excellent story. Thanks for writing
Guest chapter 2 . 3/19/2015
Loved this story sd s WIP. Congratulations on publishing!

Robsmyyummy Cabanaboy
2loveybunnies chapter 108 . 3/5/2015
This was a totally awesome story and I wanted to tell you that before you pulled it. I wish you luck in your writing career and I'm sorry to see you go. I know you said you weren't leaving the fandom, but let's face it - you probably won't be writing any more Twific, so its sort of like you are.

I'll miss your unique take on each story, and the completely original and varied tone each one took. You wrote really fantastic characters, ones that were real and flawed and didn't always do the right things, but who were redeemed in the end. And you always gave our E&B their happy endings, which is appreciated since real life is tough enough - and even though we like the bumpy roads, we still want it all to work out in the end.

If you asked me which was my favorite story, I couldn't really pick just one, but I think it would have to be most partial to "Look How You Turned Out" - as much as I love the period pieces this one just owned me. And of course, "Me and Mom Fall In Love With Edward" which apparently won the race to be the first published too. So, good luck and I hope to see you around here again, but if not, thanks for the memories - and the hours and hours of entertainment you've given us all.
Abaire chapter 60 . 1/25/2015
"Whatever marriage is, it's already happened for me, B." It's bloody poetry. Just too beautiful and also gritty and real. I'm digging it more with each new chapter.
Abaire chapter 48 . 1/25/2015
"It costs to be Johnny Appleseed, spreading it around. Every now and then you get a crop.". Holy smokes, the language you use in this fic is brilliant. It took a few chapters to get used, but for the people I know who speak this vernacular you are spot on.
Guest chapter 108 . 1/24/2015
Awesome story!
mariemermaids chapter 3 . 1/21/2015
You have no idea how much I have waited for this story. Read something like it in my teens and no other story could compare. But this one feels right. Thanks!
Timmer chapter 108 . 1/9/2015
Really enjoyed this ! Thanks for writing !
Mrs. O'Shea chapter 108 . 12/26/2014
Wonderful story
Curls4twilight chapter 108 . 12/22/2014
Great story. A little hard to follow at times with the way it's written but it was different and interesting. A sweet Edward even though he was on a dark path at first. Loved the way E/B did things their own way and were so good for Charlie even though they didn't know if they could be parents to him. Sweet the way their little family came about.
Jasper's character was quite different and interesting.
2loveybunnies chapter 10 . 12/16/2014
Oh, that poor baby. Nobody has ever done anything for him.
2loveybunnies chapter 5 . 12/16/2014
Oh, Bella, would it really hurt to let him live in the coach house and fix your porch? ;-)
2loveybunnies chapter 2 . 12/16/2014
Hmm, is Bella slightly a tiny bit jealous? Ha, sounds like she doesn't even realize it...
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