Reviews for Fixing Past Mistakes
Guest chapter 1 . 2/4
Well you are off to a cracking start. Better than all the fictions here resorting to weird pairing and useless bashing. All i hope is that this story is completed. Otherwise it will be a waste of time
xXMoonlitSorrowsXx chapter 51 . 1/16
I love this story! I was bawling in the beginning when they found of Harry died but im so happy Severus had a chance to fix the past! I’m so looking forward to the sequel!
alix33 chapter 51 . 12/26/2024
You meant "in his Aunt and Uncle's care", "to his relatives' home", "bear any influence on his actions", "needed genuine eye prescriptions" and "there were many Aurors both inside".
According to the dictionaries that Google gives search results from sun-kissed" needed a hyphen. As should "weak-willed"
Every brain cell I have is squee-ing at the thought of Frank and Alice Longbottom having recovered and Septimus Potion having facilitated their recovery.
Yay at the Wizengamot punishing Dumbles properly for his causing Harry's death.
alix33 chapter 50 . 12/26/2024
You meant "are your parents here",go near pegasuses (or pegasi) and even hippogriffs", "Care of Magical Creatures class", "didn't even have Masteries", "word getting out that the ICW was prejudiced" and "help the Muggleborns acclimate".
alix33 chapter 49 . 12/26/2024
You meant "it's absolutely beautiful", "they did hold Masteries in their" and "let's go up the stairs".
alix33 chapter 48 . 12/26/2024
You meant "more than enough money from the books", "Halfway through he felt", "just in case with regard to Dumbledore", "but it's not", "get a takeaway", "didn't attend everyday meetings", "as the Supreme Mugwump", "had three friends in tow" and "keeping a carton for himself".
alix33 chapter 47 . 12/25/2024
You meant "purebloods get educated", "had to do it downstairs in", "her name's Mishi" and "halfway across the world".
alix33 chapter 46 . 12/25/2024
You meant "it was a close-knit community", "dad's going to come" and "cure for lycanthropy".
alix33 chapter 45 . 12/25/2024
You meant "the Slytherins would take", "it's any of my business", "As is a teacher's duty", "it's why they kept a very close eye", "He owed Snape everything" and "From the odds and ends store".
According to the dictionaries that Google gives search results from "overexcited" should be one word.
alix33 chapter 44 . 12/25/2024
You meant "I do not want any arguing", "he won't before", "know it's Harry", "where I won't end", "it's rreally difficult", "I only have a rudimentary understanding" and "I think it's time".
According to the dictionaries that Google gives search results from "so-called" needed a hyphen.
alix33 chapter 43 . 12/25/2024
AW! at how very possessive Luna was of Harry.
alix33 chapter 36 . 12/24/2024
I am holding thumbs and crossing my fingers and toes and intestines that Severus' revelations to Harry go well
alix33 chapter 32 . 12/23/2024
You meant "Septimus, who took it and floated".
alix33 chapter 29 . 12/23/2024
You meant "retie Harry's laces"
I have in common with Severus the rather going without food than going without coffee.
alix33 chapter 28 . 12/23/2024
You meant "have you ever considered rewriting"
AW! at the mental pics I got of Harry and the moonwolves' interaction.
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