Reviews for In Search of Companionship
ChaoticInscriber chapter 12 . 6/8/2023
I adore this story. So sad to see it lingering in limbo for so long.
A note that sparked to mind on this read through! To any naysayers, I actually first began doing those kinds of logic puzzles at about the same age as this Harry! I was already well on my way to becoming an avid reader, which helped. My elementary/grade school actually had an extra "class" for those of us who got a bit too ahead on things like reading comprehension so early, and so in there is where I first learnt how to do these puzzles during a couple of my "free" periods a week, among other things. (Part of the intent being to teach us "extra" things that we could continue on our own, thus minimizing how much excessive "idle minds" they ended up dealing with the shenanigans of - we may not have been Holmes' by any stretch, but the standard fair can be miserably boring if you accidentally get too far ahead, and thus prone to empathizing with a bored Sherlock- not something anyone wants the results of in a kiddie classroom!)
This Harry can read (now that he can see more reliably), and as Sherlock said he was already using a fair bit of logic in his observations without knowing the formal breakdown of it, so why not start with some of the easier ones? Those grids really do go a long way to helping, especially as things get more complex.
ChaoticInscriber chapter 3 . 6/8/2023
Yes Sherlock's sneaking may come off as creepy, but to be fair, he hasn't tried to get anyone to actually leave the safety of the boundaries of their group homes yet, so... Certain degree of latitude, there, to my mind.
He'd definitely be in swift trouble is he made the mistake on voicing certain parts of his thought process out loud, though, considering what most minds jump to regarding words like "grooming" in relation to children, despite how much a lot of non pedo's actually do it too just for other reasons- like a high society (or wannabe) couple trying to mould their kid into "their ideal heir" rather than reflect what their kid actually is and would be if given more freedom of choice in things like extracurriculars and future career paths.
acetwolf94 chapter 12 . 8/26/2022
Ravensa05 chapter 12 . 12/5/2021
I really liked this story, it's very well written. A shame it's abandoned.
Is there any hope for you to continue?
Whoopingpixies chapter 12 . 8/18/2021
What a pity this beautiful story is abandoned.
Is there any hope that you'll continue this story?
OH please do continue. This is a marvelous piece of
TheVulcanNara chapter 12 . 5/11/2021
I love this at sure I wasn't first, because I kept imagining how different Harry will be (even though I used to complain about how harry never thought anything through when it really mattered, despite his actual intelligence) but this is just too good. Plus most crossover fics I read for these fandoms where Sherlock has a kid it's usually Hermione (which I love, but still, nice variety). That and I kept imagining Sherlock adopting Harry when he was already a student of Hogwarts but he's way too moody and gryffindorish for Sherlock by then (with not nearly enough Hufflepuff qualities like John, Hermione was a brave, intelligent, ruthless, and loyal Gryffindor. Where Ron and Harry really weren't the best of friends to her.). Anyways, love it thanks!
CrystalAris chapter 12 . 5/1/2021
This is amazing! I don’t want this to end!
a780 chapter 1 . 2/3/2021
Guest chapter 3 . 12/6/2020
What the fuck are you talking about, what pedophile feel? I'm getting none of that. I am getting a very socially inept and very bizarre feel though. Seriously though, where the fuck are you getting pedophilia from? That's the problem with most people today, their imagination takes things too far and they see what they want to see instead of what's really there.
curlyfri24 chapter 12 . 10/24/2020
Omg I love this story so much but it’s been so long since you last updated! Please please please tell me you haven’t abandoned this story! The writing is so good and i love “guardian” ;P Sherlock. He and Harry are so cute together. Also the deductions and the way you write Sherlock is perfect! There aren’t many writers who can articulate his thoughts and diction so well. Really great story! Please update soon!
lilgarcia999999 chapter 12 . 9/24/2020
Nooooooo i was lowkey anxious this whole time wondering when this had been last updated bc it was just so good and i didnt want to stop or crush my hopes that it might yet still be updated but now that ive reached the final chapter i must face the horrifying truth that its been 5 years
Guest chapter 12 . 6/30/2020
I love the way you portray Sherlock especially during the first chapters of the story. This is also the first story that I've read featuring Sherlock finding Harry in an orphanage because usually it's a) during a case in privet drive b) on the Dursley's doorstep c) abandoned or escaped Harry and others. It's actually refreshing, humurous, and interesting. I hope that you may find the motivation to continue this story.
SandyDunes chapter 12 . 6/30/2020
This was amazing, I'm hanging onto your work, its too good. Thank you for this story!
Guest chapter 12 . 5/24/2020
Aargh! Just when it's getting really interesting you have given up on the story. I loved it so far and liked very much how you have rounded out the characters of sherlock, microft and harry more than i've seen in other stories. I haven't seen your profile so i don't know if you've given up on FanFiction, but I hope you come back to this. Personally, i hope microft finds out who harry is sooner rather than later so the holmes brothers can fully prepare harry for the WW and danger round every corner - and, my pet hate - i hope they avoid hogwarts like the plague and send harry to an excellent school far away, or even better have him home schooled in magic from and early age so the truly pathetic educational experience offered by hogwarts is redundant. Microft is well placed to provide harry with SAS type training and Sherlock with camouflage and spying experience. Oooh, the possibilities...
12348705123897deactivated chapter 12 . 3/4/2020
I'll be waiting for more with as much patience as I can muster. Great story!
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