Reviews for The Groupie of Dol Guldur
TreeHugger chapter 4 . 12/2/2002
LOL right from the start! Sauron admiring himself in his new manly form! EEP! ROFL Now the Orcs want a dental plan and daycare? They definitely need the dental plan and DO NOT get me started on baby Orclings! 3000 year plan for domination condensed into 6 months! How do you come up with this? This is too fun!

Ai Valar! The romance and Ringwraith...mush as my daughter would say is killing me! ROFL

EEK! Their winged beasts are snatching the eagles! And just as they are enjoying themselves SO MUCH- slam! A white feathered arrow shoots Ulairiel and Terion out of the sky.

LOL Is she Elwing? No, she is the Sun! "Oh, well done, Rumil." LOL I cannot stop laughing! "We have grown beyond that as a culture." Too funny!

Whoa! Lorien Elves beware! She's fierce and they flee! Yikes! She's headed for Caras Galadhon for fairy lights so she can flit back to her love # 5. Yes, when you fall off you have to get back on.

Very funny and much, much fun! Thanks for the laughs!

Elenath sila erin le!
Ellipsis chapter 4 . 12/1/2002
"A damsel of such beauty, who falls from the sky, must surely be the Lady Elwing," said the first. "And when Imladris declares war on us, I shall make it clear that it was you that shot her" - This is possibly the funniest thing I have ever read. I can just see the war now... Thanks for writing about the honeymoon! Naturally, she would fall into Lorien! Now, let me guess... Haldir will fall in love with her :)

Anyway, looking forward to her recovering Teri. And i still hold out for little half-elven babies... half wraith, half elf...just think of the possibilities)

- Ellipsis, who is laughing WAY too much at this.
addicted chapter 4 . 12/1/2002
Ack! I nearly puked from the MarySue-ness of the third chapter, but I managed to keep my dinner down by remebering that this is only a parody. (thank god) Good job!
Taransay chapter 3 . 11/8/2002
And so it continues...

Wonderful! Very funny indeed, 'tis a joy to read :)
alena chapter 3 . 11/7/2002
I'm sure many people have told you this before, but Ăšlairiel is *truly* a terrific original character. I love the way she decorated her new room in the Dark Tower...

The thing that really sets this apart is the wonderful deadpan tone you use in the story...
alena chapter 2 . 11/7/2002
I found this buried in a pile of silly Mary Sues and sillier parodies...

I would like to quote some of my favorite parts here, but that would mean I'll have to copy pretty must most of the story, since almost every paragraph has some gem in it. I especially liked the Dark Lord's disguise, and the fact that Sauron was beginning to appreciate the purpose of eyelids...

Ellipsis chapter 3 . 11/6/2002
*notices that the bowl of M&Ms that was near the omputer is now on the floor* Yikes, that what I get for reading this and trying to eat! This is hilarious. Naturally, she should ride sidestraddle - it's so much more pictureseque, you know _ Nazgul #5 must be very pleased with his new bride. So, the biggest question: where will the honeymoon be?And shall we be meeting any half-elf/half wraiths eventually?

Please, write more soon!

- Ellipsis
The Evil Old Woman chapter 3 . 11/6/2002
This is hysterical!

Will there be more?
Starfleet Hobbit chapter 3 . 11/6/2002
LOL! Very funny! I loved it!
Architeuthis chapter 3 . 11/6/2002
Oh, man! Trying to ride a pterodactyl side-saddle? That Angmar and his not-so-nice suggestions...

And OF COURSE, she would be the one to find the One Ring, and keep up everybody's morale.

And the line about how she empathized with Sauron because she'd lost aring herself was priceless.

It was also amart to establish a time frame. we now know that this fic was set sometime before Deagol and Smeagol found the Ring.

It will be interesting to see what Sauron and Company do now. Do they all move to Minas Morgul or Barad-dur? And what will Ulairel and "the fair #5" do for a HONEYMOON?
Gollumsess chapter 2 . 11/6/2002
Lol's, I like! More please!
Eilonwy chapter 2 . 10/29/2002
first, does FYTTE mean chapter? what language? very funny. would be a Mary-Sue but it's so good it can't deserve that tittle. i like it a lot. keep writing.
Architeuthis chapter 2 . 10/29/2002
Oh, poor Angmar. Being the Designated Sexist Jerk in a fanfic is NO fun, as Boromir and Gimli could no doubt tell him.

I like the Sue's line to Angmar: "I don't need a five-foot long sword to bolster my ego." Ouch!
AV chapter 2 . 10/28/2002
Oh, this is great. I can barely stand even most MS parodies anymore since those are almost as overdone as MS fics themselves, but this one is special. (Although you do give yourself away as someone who knows Tolkien far better than a true MS writer). Please do keep going!

Any reason it was #5 in particular, rather than, say, #4 or #7? Rather a pervy wraith fancier, aren't you, what?
angelmad222 chapter 2 . 10/22/2002
Aaaawwwww...sweet. Very weird but I like it, please write more.
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