Reviews for Plowed
Jillgrab chapter 6 . 5/29/2022
Oh I’m mad at him thinking he can just walk on up.
Jillgrab chapter 5 . 5/29/2022
No he didn’t!
i heart clash chapter 15 . 3/31/2022
Love how E redeems himself in this ficlet! And holy smokes those sexy time scenes are suhhTeAMMMYY! Thanks for the lovely read 3
flanduslover1 chapter 16 . 12/20/2021
lmao mission accomplished that was a perfect ending outtake again I loved it all and your probably thinking damn does this girl ever take a break but it's been a long time that I've found a writer that I want to read all their work and love each one I read
Midnight Cougar chapter 16 . 12/4/2021
Lol poor Edward, but it was great to see his side of things in all this.
Midnight Cougar chapter 15 . 12/4/2021
Had to do a reread since it’s Christmas; this was always one of my favourites and still is. Loved it again! Xo
258026683 chapter 8 . 4/28/2021
Ugh! Meddling again... Edward's not a baby!
258026683 chapter 7 . 4/28/2021
I don't like other people meddling like that... Hmph! :(
258026683 chapter 6 . 4/28/2021
258026683 chapter 5 . 4/28/2021
Aww he's gone...!
258026683 chapter 3 . 4/28/2021
Wow! That was fast :)
Curious about their past! Seems sweet!
Elle Whitecap chapter 16 . 3/13/2021
I love how sweet and real this was.
solidae26 chapter 2 . 10/15/2020
Holy he'll I went to Oak Park High School! My son is now a senior at Oak Park High School! This is taking me to a weird place...
dcarot chapter 15 . 4/21/2020
"I believe this belongs to you." - Perfection
JustARead chapter 15 . 12/8/2019
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