Reviews for Art of War
EdTheBeast chapter 19 . 6/29
An excellent AU story! Very OOC in ways and pairings.
YesImdisgusting chapter 20 . 6/25
Wow... Just... Wow...

This fic had me on egde and grinning like a fool! And it's realistic you killed some important characters unlike most story's does.

It looks like I'm actually reading a past history war.

Damn! This is good shit! The ending was a bit rush for me but out her than that? LOVE IT WILL SURELY REREAD IT AGAOJ SOME DAY! ️️️️
YesImdisgusting chapter 1 . 6/24
Out of all the non magical monsters out there, there weren't many – any – quite as nightmarishly evil as the Nazis

*not me trying not to cry at the documetary of khamer rouge of that FUCKING BLASTED dictator pol pot who killed so many of his people that his country men lost more that half of the population. Killing babies by using thier body and baseballing their heads on the tree*
lukeanimelover chapter 20 . 4/7
Hey-hey-hey-hey! What happened to harry?! We didnt get a explination for that!

Holy shit this was a good read. Im so going to follow and favourite your profile and this story. The more favourites and follows, the more people thatll likely see this masterpiece!
lukeanimelover chapter 9 . 4/7
Gary oak strikes agian! Or should i say Garry Not? Because hes not garry? And hes a not? *laughing emoji*
evattude chapter 8 . 4/5
You should be afraid fudge
evattude chapter 7 . 4/5
I love them getting the money and property of these purebloods. I'll hold off on judging narcissa simply because in some canon those marriage contracts and and lack of rights the wife have can be harsh
evattude chapter 4 . 4/5
I love this sooooo much
evattude chapter 3 . 4/5
Guns are a good idea
evattude chapter 1 . 4/5
This is fantastic
Arkronicus chapter 20 . 3/17
Very good story. I look forward to reading your other works as well, some of which I have read before but need a refresher on.

Lady Hua chapter 20 . 2/29
Hua here again as promised. I don't have much to say really. Great fic, a nice read (took me around 7 or 8 hours total, so I could finish it within the day), good length although some parts were a bit rushed and I think that the transition of it going from being just realizations to them actually becoming a militant group wasn't covered well enough. I saw that you were trying to go into the character's psyche a little and honestly I found the descriptions very nice and think that they would have complimented the work nicely if they weren't so little and kinda scattered(?). I also have to admit that I was disappointed with the last 2 chapters. They were simply too surface level for something that should've been the climax, the last fight if you see what I mean. Another thing is that I think you forgot about Harry and most of the actual main characters in the story for a bit there, so that was a bit strange... I think that the fic kinda strayed from it's original outline, especially in the second half which contributed to that. I'm not sure if I really described what I meant properly, but I think that you should be able to get the gist of it from my numerous examples. I hope I'm not being too critical here, as I really do like this work and have actually found quite a few of my own ideas in here. Thank you for writing and finishing this fic, as I know that writing is incredibly hard and Merlin knows how many discontinued fics I stumbled upon so far, so really, thank you. I'll be reading your assassin Harry that was adopted by the Zabinis fics next and needless to say that I expect great things from it (since you are such a good writer from what I have seen so far). I said that I didn't have much to say, but I'm really eating my words right now lol. See you soon, on a review of your other fic.
P.S.: The references to Percy Jackson and the Avengers you put in the fic made me laugh and smile and I found them genius!
Lady Hua chapter 18 . 2/29
Well written, I quite liked it (which means that I actually like it so much I could squeal (kinda embarrassing to admit, but true)). The 5th article of what I will call the wizarding DDHC (short for Declaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen (a text written during the French revolution (26th of August 1789) which actually in part inspired the human rights declaration of the United Nations) is one that if I was benefitting of it would make me quite angry, you know? First of all, deciding monetary compensation based on the number of family members that died and such... I can't even begin to explain how much of a bad idea that is. And second, the compensation for rape victims is too little considering compensations for other crimes done towards individuals and the severity of the crime itself. The idea itself is not bad, but it is poorly executed. It shouldn't be the government doing that, but some kind of organization also offering free therapy services and such that is only backed by the government. That would be a better way to go about it in my opinion. The fine on house elf mistreatment should also be raised and imprisonment added, kinda like in the French law against racism (which, if committed in public can lead to a fine of 45k euros and up to 1 year of imprisonment).
On another note, I think that it's awesome that you wrote the whole wizarding DDHC (should I just shorten it to WDDHC?) especially since it must have taken quite the bit of time on your part. Also, the fact that they mentioned Tom Riddle in the WDDHC (yes, I decided to go forward with WDDHC) is absolutely hilarious, especially since I think that the WDDHC will become as important to wizards as the DDHC is to the French, which is saying something, since I have closely studied it for multiple weeks in 2 different subjects over multiple years at school. All in all, I love it and you can expect another review (albeit probably much shorter) from me in some 30min (I think?) by which I should have finished reading this beautiful and lengthy piece you wrote.
Beth1112 chapter 20 . 12/8/2023
I really enjoyed your story
Ultach chapter 8 . 10/10/2023
WTF is a FEILDUS or FIELDUS charm?

Supposed to be a FIDELIUS charm?
Please learn the difference between TOO(as well/too 'superlative') and TO, as in to live, to die, to buy a dictionary.
Check LOSE and LOOSE in a bloody dictionary, then use the right freakin one.
Try running SPELL & GRAMMAR check before uploading anything please.

Otherwise, an interesting tale but please tidy up spelling and grammar.
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