Reviews for The Nightmare Man
Koldbones chapter 12 . 8/21
really cliche a patronus hurts him
Koldbones chapter 11 . 8/21
love how voldy and harry are so chill
Koldbones chapter 5 . 8/21
the servants are very dull compared to the prequel. they had personality
DJP888 chapter 21 . 6/2
Amazing and truly brilliant. Loved it.
Wicked.A chapter 22 . 4/20
Nice story will read the sequel at some point
Guest chapter 22 . 3/31
I loved this story sooo much! Can't wait to read the sequel. Thank you author!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/18/2023
To be honest I was tempted to stop reading after the first few chapters because the whole "harrison" thing is a huge pet peeve for me, but I'm glad I didn't this was really well written and funny! Thanks for sharing :)
Eliel chapter 2 . 11/10/2023
What a interesting chapter.
Royaussie chapter 21 . 10/31/2023
Wow that was fun
guest chapter 2 . 7/19/2023
not to be mean but i liked the original better i hadn't read it in awhile so i didn't know you re-edited it and i am sorry to say but the original was better later chapters maybe needed more fleshing out but your beginning didn't
Guest chapter 3 . 6/29/2023
Shitty story, why tf he failed to escape from some heavy set of is not a normal human author,if he is that powerful ,he can't be imprisoned like some punisher in ootp we see volde's possession of harry when he has a body. He is a dark wizard,he can try a thousand methods to build up is in itself is faulty. Your reason for his escape is also forced . Harry doesn't live up to his name . I am quitting this.
Trainion chapter 2 . 5/6/2023
This story is perfect from the start
sms123 chapter 7 . 4/12/2023
Why can't Voldemort kill Harry/Harrison? Does the prophecy no longer apply to Harry/Harrison? Also, I absolutely love this series. I think it is one of the best thing I've read.
Ruairi J.L chapter 6 . 3/20/2023
Interesting. I have my theories about the one Harry still loved who was "destroyed", but I'll keep them to myself for now.
Ruairi J.L chapter 3 . 3/20/2023
Damn, I really hate that awful name. Harrison. It's become such an overused cliché by pretentious writers like Sinyk that it makes me cringe a bit every time I read it.

No offence. Your story is still very interesting. I just have my pet peeves like everybody else, unfortunately.
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