Reviews for we thought to build us houses
whispered touches chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
hey there. so i know this story is super old and i doubt you're active on this site anymore (i'm not really either), but on the off chance you see this - this is probably my favorite fanfic of all time. not just for tlou, not just for a oneshot, my Favorite. i've probably come back and reread it at least a couple dozen times, i have it bookmarked in chrome, i'm about to save it so i can always come back to it in case ffnet's servers ever go down, there are some lines i can quote from memory - that's how much i love this fic.

it's such a simple concept, but the whole fic is so tonally consistent with the game itself that it feels like a collection of potential epilogues straight from naughty dog. every iteration of ellie and joel's relationship - and ellie herself - feels possible and realistic, and your sense of flow and rhythm within sections and your descriptions are so insanely good i don't even have words to say how much i love them except that i think about them more than i should for a fic that was published 4 years ago.

i hold this fic so close to my heart and i've been meaning to write this review for a really long time, so i just wanted to say thank you for writing it and i hope you have a great day. 3
Tim Coon chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Jesu fraking hell, that was beautiful. Tragically sad as only the world of The Last of Us could be, but absolutely beautiful nonetheless.
bokhi chapter 1 . 9/23/2015
Holy crap this was good. Horribly sad but in a good way.

I wish I had something more constructive to say but I don't. Thanks for sharing this one.
SorainaSkye chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
This is beautifully written. Sad, of course, but just really nicely done.
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
Never played the game. I know enough, but it does stop this from being compelling to me. Maybe I'll play it someday if I get it for cheap.

The ending was very similar to the ending of Gather Up Our Bones.
LN chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
Wow I feel like I was punched in the gut..but in a good way? Man, this story hits you hard. I mean, you don't use too many words to describe what you're trying to say but there is emotion overflowing from everywhere that it kind of drowns you in it.

Well, I'm also crying too so there's that. Tears and what not. Gah
PervyMonk chapter 1 . 6/19/2014
*ugly crying*

This is amazing and beautiful and so sad.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
I don't know if he couldn't out live her if she got in a accident and died he would keep going but by that point he would have lost what was left of his humanity but his problem is he can't stop even after losing so much he still can't stop
santu4music chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
That hurt a lot.
Seriously, with the flowing prose, it read more like a long poem than a fanfiction but it still carried at easy style of a story and augggh it was so good.
The emotion packed into even a single monologue of Ellie's really delved deep. I ended up wiping away tears...
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
Wow. Such amaze.

The amount of feeling you managed to drive into this little story was unbelievable - I don't think there was a moment of it that passed where my heart wasn't pounding painfully for Ellie and Joel. Beautiful, beautiful work. Please, keep writing; you have a gift.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
:D very emotional. Poor Joel and Ellie. :)