Reviews for Daddy Deeks
DocR47 chapter 26 . 5/26
great chapter
ClaireR89 chapter 39 . 2/10
How do you get pregnant without sex?
ClaireR89 chapter 17 . 2/10
I know Kensi is nervous but her denying of being Leo’s mom killed me
ClaireR89 chapter 40 . 2/10
Guest chapter 40 . 5/21/2023
I forgot my password but I used to love this fan fiction I’m still holding on to hope that one day you’ll update, I just watched the series finale and felt I needed to comment on my favourite Densi fan fiction of all time
DocR47 chapter 40 . 9/18/2022
Well worth reading again. Great story.
DocR47 chapter 37 . 9/18/2022
Deeks is such a baby!
sville90 chapter 39 . 1/3/2022
I have read the story multiple times now and keep hoping it will be finished. It’s still written really well even though it’s not finished yet I won’t ever be finished.
Guest chapter 40 . 3/8/2021
Ahhhhh I love this. Given that it’s been 5 years, I take it there will be no update. Sad.
Warren Rushold chapter 38 . 2/11/2021
They would be my #1 couple if Deeks could exert a little control over his mouth/words.
As it is Jamie/Eddie are #1.
Nevertheless this story is a top 10 Densi story. Bravo!
Warren Rushold chapter 26 . 1/19/2021
I love fluff too!
DADDY DEEKS LOVE chapter 40 . 1/11/2021
Please, continue! I've read this 5 times over and over...
Warren Rushold chapter 21 . 12/14/2020
Is Kensi seeing officer Derek? That is beyond the pale!
I am enjoying the story BUT that is a bad piece of writing. IMO
Warren Rushold chapter 4 . 12/13/2020
Really like this story so far.
But I REALLY don't get the communication difficulties all the authors write into their stories.
These are adults aren't they?
Guest chapter 40 . 7/4/2020
So i know this fic was from a long time ago but i wanted to say that i read it when you first started writing it and then i lost it for a while and i just found it the other day and its still amazing
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