Reviews for Railgun
skylorbaker14 chapter 15 . 11/24/2024
I bindger this chapter this entire fic and loved all of it so far
Omnireceptacle chapter 15 . 10/23/2024
Didn't she have a line at the earlier parts of the fic where she said she wouldn't shy away from blood money, she'd just bleach it. Here she changed her mind?
Ryo no Kitsune chapter 1 . 5/21/2024
Another fanfic story called “Bolt from the Blue” has the oc/ic they used study the power of electromagnetic fields, and it gave her the abilities to create plasma blades and move non-metal objects because everything has a magnetic field.
mst3ktoo chapter 15 . 4/20/2024
"I viciously tore Lung limb from limb because he scared me with his dragony fire and threats." Taylor, during the debrief.
InfinityMask chapter 14 . 2/25/2024
Lol. Poor parian.
InfinityMask chapter 13 . 2/25/2024
Lol. Armaster misunderstanding is funny.
InfinityMask chapter 8 . 2/24/2024
That would put him on birdcage right? Attacking children.
InfinityMask chapter 7 . 2/24/2024
Hoho. The ball beginning to rolling.
InfinityMask chapter 6 . 2/24/2024
That was fun. Tho I wonder if leaving them just like that is wise move or not.
scyfly chapter 14 . 1/18/2024
this story had such potential, really electromagnetism is such a great power, it isnt straight up OP but needs hard work, creativity and has the potential to become really strong. unfortuanetly the only thing you nailed was the creativity, in uses but not in fighting. the moment the cape career started it all went downhill
scyfly chapter 15 . 1/18/2024
taylor need 3 things, a gel undersuit, some form of rebreater and a phone hardend against emp. she has in front of her 'the worlds most renown tinker' but instead of trading it for helping him with his suit she is just gonna give it away?
scyfly chapter 15 . 1/18/2024
did she seriously just tell someone her powers can be disabled? yet she is stingy about it being capable of growth
scyfly chapter 12 . 1/18/2024
fuck she is pathetic
scyfly chapter 12 . 1/18/2024
how can she even miss someone just because they hide in trash? ther sight would see right through it
scyfly chapter 11 . 1/18/2024
a child cannot wave away parental rights by signing a waver.

why is she even talking to the prt, instead of them hunting down skidmark they want to talk to teenagers? for what more evidence? no they are here for tesla. first shadow walker then letting skidmark escape now this? you'd think she'd be more pissed
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