Reviews for Goodbye Peter Pan
SianJohn chapter 41 . 9/15
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us. I really enjoyed your unique take on the original.
PineNutPesto chapter 41 . 7/14
I read this in one day XD It was lovely! A lot of angst and heartbreak, but a lot of joy as well. Wonderful cadence. Thank you very much!
acw1 chapter 41 . 7/9
Guest chapter 37 . 7/3
Love this fic so much! I hate that it took me so long to pick this up!
Guest chapter 39 . 7/3
I need more! Long shot but please come back and write a sequel haha!
Guest chapter 41 . 7/3
This is so well-written. One of the best twilight fanfics for sure. The only downside to this fic is that the last few chapters were rushed. Would've been nice if you have a sequel for this. I love your Cullens here because they were so involved with each other. Like they all have a relationship with Edward unlike other fics where it's usually just Alice/Edward who interacts the most.
lrhjan05 chapter 41 . 11/30/2023
This should’ve been the book and the subsequent movies. This was way better than the books and movies were. Although Edward’s excuses were starting to get on my nerves back in the middle, he just sounded like a coward, no matter how he spun it. I was so glad Bella was mad at him and gave it to him straight. “I came back but you were doing this…I came again and you were doing this” still manipulating and controlling and being a peeping Tom while at it. But what they both learned and rebuilt was important. Something I think the books missed. Edward never groveled, she showed up in Italy to save him and all of a sudden the past was forgotten. Anyway, this was a good one. I’ll think of this as how it should’ve turned out. lol

Thanks for sharing.
VryUnique chapter 31 . 11/9/2023
Angela isn't wrong but I still think she needs to mind her own business.
Acting like she knows what's best for Bella, like having kids. I used to
hate people getting in my business about kids. It was constant, with a
mom and 3 sisters thinking they knew what was best for me.
Bella should have told her that Mike and her are separating.
VryUnique chapter 32 . 11/9/2023
Miscommunication. Still keeping things from each other.
VryUnique chapter 33 . 11/9/2023
It seems like a bunch of game playing, even if not intentionally.
They all a mess.
VryUnique chapter 34 . 11/9/2023
Edward is taking his wife, the least he can do is be cordial.
They should have never even danced together.
VryUnique chapter 35 . 11/9/2023
Poor Mike.
VryUnique chapter 37 . 11/9/2023
So sad but awesomely written. There are a lot of faking Bella's death in these stories,
this ranks as one of the best I have read. It was totally believable.
Not a big deal but Jasper said he was wearing Jacob's boots.
VryUnique chapter 40 . 11/9/2023
VryUnique chapter 41 . 11/9/2023
Awesome story. I was very well written. Thank you for sharing.
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