Reviews for Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
RoryCullen chapter 25 . 2/26/2017
Being tenacious has served me well; Edward is right though being patient as well especially with Bella is a smart idea.
RoryCullen chapter 24 . 2/26/2017
My eyes are going to be puffy again tomorrow after reading that...
RoryCullen chapter 23 . 2/26/2017
I'm glad she was wrong about the last time she says goodbye...
RoryCullen chapter 22 . 2/26/2017
It's sad how melancholy Bella was during her senior year; at least she had Alice.
RoryCullen chapter 21 . 2/26/2017
Bella was pretty destroyed after losing Edward. He loved her so much, it was like he self-sabotaged or something when he allowed Rosalie to kiss him. I think if I were Bella I would have forgiven him for the kiss and and then the sex with Rosalie after they broke up wouldn't have happened. She's sounding like survivor in that College application, but also like someone very bitter. Definitely very broken then and still, the difference being she is starting to heal now.
RoryCullen chapter 20 . 2/26/2017
She's so relieved to be on the list of those he loves, because she loves him too. Does she realize she still loves him? The past parts of each chapter now are so heart breaking. They bring me to tears.
RoryCullen chapter 19 . 2/26/2017
It's a start...the dance...the honesty without the mean spirited, holding-back the feelings of previous conversations. Edward has lost a bit of his confidence bordering on arrogance and replaced it with humbleness, gratitude and hope.

I don't understand what the function was in the first chapter, when present-day-Edward kept insisting she dance with him. It wasn't the night of the rehearsal dinner, or Thanksgiving, or the what was it?
RoryCullen chapter 18 . 2/26/2017
So sad that she couldn't forgive him when she found out he didn't continue to date Rosalie when clearly he could have. She really did mean nothing to him; he was weak and Rose was skilled. I bet he never cheated on anyone ever again. I bet Bella never dated anyone since.
RoryCullen chapter 17 . 2/26/2017
That's poignant; he calls her his best friend. She stopped being his best friend after what happened with Rose. Maybe she needs to forgive her former best-friend because of all the times he was there for her she owes him.
RoryCullen chapter 16 . 2/26/2017
Being with Rose well clearly she took advantage of him. What a first class bitch. I hope Bella tells her off when she see's her. As for Edward I was hoping Bella would tell him she was going to go to him and ask to start over, to take him back and try to forgive him..,until she heard what he did at the party with that no-class-Rose. They clearly still love each other.
RoryCullen chapter 15 . 2/26/2017
That first broken heart is almost unbearable.
RoryCullen chapter 14 . 2/26/2017
He isn't allowed to explain? He isn't worth fighting for? A kiss...seriously? Is that what broke them up? A kiss? Oh my...
RoryCullen chapter 13 . 2/26/2017
Alice wants her in her wedding party when she hasn't seen her in 3 years and they haven't talked in almost 2. It sounds like their friendship is in the past too.
RoryCullen chapter 12 . 2/26/2017
So Rosalie and Edward? I really can't believe Bella freezes up when Edward touches her. Maybe she is just shy about him seeing her?
RoryCullen chapter 11 . 2/26/2017
They've been together for a long time now. I'm surprised things have not gone further than kissing. The writing she won the ribbon for suggests a closeness, trust and comfort which comes from intimacy. Damn girl it's time to get more intimate with your very special boyfriend. I think.
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