Reviews for Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
RoryCullen chapter 10 . 2/26/2017
Bella has two sweet men in her life...or rather she did. I can understand why she doesn't want to spend any alone time with Alice, she's too raw right now from her recent writing and from being home...seeing Edward, like a scab and Alice will pick it right off. I would be envious of Alice's position in the Cullen family too.
RoryCullen chapter 9 . 2/25/2017
I have a copy of The Kite Runner, but I never read it. I heard what it's about and I thought it would bother me too much so I decided not to read it. Your story is making me cry; I'm too sensitive for my own good I think. I felt mad for Charlie when Bella wrote that the girls at her school picked on her because of the jeans her dad bought for her. And also when she wrote about her mother forgetting to take her with her when her mom left. Is that what Bella would have wanted to leave her father behind and go with her mother like in the original novels? Still Charlie was proud of his little girl winning the blue ribbon for her talented touching. I can't believe Edward and Bella broke up before he even left for College.
RoryCullen chapter 8 . 2/25/2017
I think I would get my dad a new picture frame under the cercumstances and the way he is with her then it's hard to believe it didn't last.
RoryCullen chapter 7 . 2/25/2017
Edward is so sweet and protective in this there past. He is rounding less confident in there present though. I don't get why Bella would go to a party at her ex boyfriend's house. Is what Edward said true, that he doesn't want her back...he only wants her to stop hating him? For it to matter so much to him he certainly still cares a lot about her.
RoryCullen chapter 6 . 2/25/2017
He's so full of himself...joking or not. Bella is so open with her answer...she's in love with him and he's falling. He also loves flattery. Is that what went wrong I wonder? Did some College girl tempt him away? I know I will find out soon enough.
RoryCullen chapter 5 . 2/25/2017
He left for University without her.
RoryCullen chapter 4 . 2/25/2017
So she's crazy about him and has been for ages and now Esme knows too and Edward once again is so bloody confident. He's pretty sexy too. The confident ones usually are. I wonder why Charlie felt she couldn't stay home by herself? Although I'm sure he would like to know she is somewhere safe and warm should the power go out or he era stuck at work. I like the concern this Charlie has for his daughter.
RoryCullen chapter 3 . 2/24/2017
His forearms sound perfect.
RoryCullen chapter 2 . 2/24/2017
Even as a young man he's confident...but also a gentleman.
RoryCullen chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
All the stories I'm reading are not updating at the same time. I saw your name on a favorite author's list...of a favorite author of here we go.

This Edward is very confident and persistent. Maybe he would have better luck if he were to say he's sorry, because clearly Bella is not interested in him for a reason.
Guest chapter 50 . 2/6/2017
thank you for this
AtLoveForTwilight chapter 50 . 1/30/2017
Lovely story. Thanks for the read(:
Guest chapter 4 . 1/19/2017
I got to the middle and gave up. I don't like that Edward acted like he didn't do anything. And she forgave him so easily and didn't try to move in.
Anasamantha09 chapter 50 . 1/11/2017
Primera vez que encuentro tu página, y leo de un tirón esta historia. Excelente, muy bien escrita. Gracias por todo lo que pusiste en ella.
blb1000 chapter 50 . 1/6/2017
He went to see her and try to talk to her several times before this night though. We know how those attempts turned out.
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