Reviews for Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
athome Jo chapter 50 . 10/23/2017
Wow. Loved it!
pipelynn chapter 50 . 10/8/2017
Oh wow, i loved this so so much even though i wanted to kill this edward many times, and this is the very best alice i have ever read, and this was high on my wimpy angst scale! thanks for writing!
pipelynn chapter 38 . 10/8/2017
Ouch...carlisle stalk hurts!
pipelynn chapter 32 . 10/8/2017
This was hard to read!
pipelynn chapter 19 . 10/8/2017
OMG this made me cry and I love this Alice so much. i can FEEL bella's pain...
pipelynn chapter 3 . 10/7/2017
Oh bella, what did he do to make you so hard to him?
pipelynn chapter 2 . 10/7/2017
He is so charming. Bless her broken heart!
pipelynn chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
Guest chapter 41 . 9/28/2017
blah blah...but hes gonna end up dating Kelly anyway...blah blah.

Do we really need to rehash all of Edwards old fuck holes? I think not.
Guest chapter 34 . 9/28/2017
Edward says that a week went by before he fucked rose but bella said it was three days. But either way, Edward goes on and on about how hes SOOOO TIRED of feeling this way...and just for a moment he wants to really? your soooooo tired? its been fucking days! THATS IT, DAYS!

And only five shots and hes so shit faced that he has sex with some hoe? Edwards a piece of shit, point blank.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/28/2017
why not just forgive him...but not be friends? I REALLY feel like she shouldn't be his friend.
Guest chapter 23 . 9/28/2017
I don't really see the point of this story anymore. Its all about what forgiving Edward? Why? Hes a piece of shit. He crossed a line that he cant uncross, I don't think Bella should EVER give him the time of day again!

And Rosalie...what a fucking skank. Not only does she do parties but she also does brothers!
Cecily chapter 50 . 9/17/2017
This story had me balling my eyes out, the only thin I hate in about this story is Rosalie. How did she get absolved of everything she did? He warribleto Bbea hero hour high school and sexually assaulth Edward the first time, and she gets away with it!

And the whole family is on her side! Hell Emmett stupidly married her! I just wish you made an outtake where karma kicks the crap out Rosalie. Where she ends up divorced, disfigured and working as a prostitute.
Jadeeeee chapter 50 . 8/11/2017
I think choosing to end here was really artistic and beautiful, but oml I wish there was more! Thank you for writing this beautiful story.
BellaTesoro chapter 49 . 8/5/2017
As I said this was the second reading and my thoughts haven't changed at all. I think you did a great job making the reader feel for both characters and their special love and how they grew from the pain of finding out that love hurts but can be repaired.
I love how Edward waited for her this time. He grew into that patient man she needed him to be.I loved this story the first time around and reading it again was the same. I still feel like I want to know more, which shows just how invested I was in these two and their journey back together. How strong they were to give it a try and see if their special childhood and coming of age love could help heal a horrible hurt and I think it did. I wanted more though. I wanted an epi, some future take for these two. Maybe you'll still write one, someday?
As always, I appreciate you sharing your work.
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