Reviews for Maybe a Dream |
Arsenal chapter 43 . 7/24/2018 I just can't follow your thought process on why you didnt just reveal Kabuto to the Hokage. I don't get it because you dont explain it. I could speculate, byt it would be nice to be given a view of what your OC is thinking. |
Arsenal chapter 22 . 7/24/2018 Saying sorry to Ino even if it's not Haru's fault only reinforces the cliche of women always being right and men needing to always appease them. |
Arsenal chapter 22 . 7/24/2018 I wish you stop it with this shit about being mistaken for a girl already. The joke is done. It's over. It's tired. |
Arsenal chapter 21 . 7/24/2018 I like all the chapters thus far except this. Having him in those girl classes for me is taking a joke too far. Then if that wasn't far enough, he was told to continue attending. It's cruel. |
Hitmen101 chapter 91 . 7/23/2018 Damn. Thanks for the chapter. Hope you update soon. But damn what a chapter! :D |
Humerus Bone chapter 1 . 7/13/2018 ...interesting. |
Guest chapter 2 . 7/5/2018 Kisame is a faggot |
Salvia Nox chapter 91 . 7/4/2018 Well it's bye bye Obito and hi there Kisame. This should be good, Kisame was always fun to watch in canon, I hope he's still awesome. |
animecutylover chapter 91 . 6/30/2018 Omg! Does Haru have the Tenseigan? Is that how he can get reincarnated?! O-O Did he just seal Obito into himself? He can seal people? |
animecutylover chapter 89 . 6/30/2018 Yikes. Obito just suddenly pops up? |
animecutylover chapter 88 . 6/30/2018 Crystal ball? Hiruzen's crystal ball that lets him see the village? |
animecutylover chapter 84 . 6/30/2018 Lol. Of course, put the blame on Kakashi. XD |
animecutylover chapter 83 . 6/30/2018 Is Haru somehow a reincarnation of Hamura? |
Guest chapter 91 . 6/28/2018 Chapter 91 vore |
SeverlyLate chapter 45 . 6/28/2018 That's probably the most psyco Jiraiya i ever came across. Making death threats to toddlers... Oh ye! Looked up the story after a long long time. Still think it,s good at first, but then turns into pure crack. |