Reviews for In Fire Forged
Kovs chapter 2 . 10/8/2014
ohh dam, this was way too cool XD
AlmostElectric chapter 4 . 10/7/2014
1. Sakura's challenged Izanami? Oh, a fool she is. I have faith in her though. You've done an excellent job of portraying the "underdog" as a likable and cool character.

2. I didn't comment on this, actually, because I didn't really see it, but it's also very interesting that although Naruto seems to enjoy Sakura's company, he doesn't seem to like her. Hm.

3. Hangover for a whole day of being a policewoman? Holy hell, no. God bless her.

4. Seeing Sakura trying to do techniques like this... you just kinda wanna egg her on. A typical "underdog" technique, but it's no less true! Super cool that she's not heading straight down the medic-nin route. Although, I suspect she may end up there later on, I'm still interested.

5. Naruto appears to be helping Izanami with her revenge - and I can't believe I didn't comment on this, but... he doesn't want to be Hokage. Now THAT makes for interesting character change.

6. Your extra in-world literature pieces in the chapters add to the immersion, and amazingly so. Also, the quote at the beginning of the chapter about the cat is one of the best quotes I've heard in a long time.

7. My most important comment, before I head to bed (because I sure as hell am. Your quality writing is robbing me of my sleep): your writing is some of the best I have read in a long time.

Your Sakura thinks... like... how do I put it...? Well, I can tell that you have really, really REALLY thought out Sakura's way of thinking, or you share it with her. Either way, it is amazingly in character - not even in her original character, I don't even know how to put it - the way she thinks and behaves. They correlate perfectly. She is not illogical whatsoever; or maybe she is, but in a way that matches Sakura's small crazy streak. I love it. I love it.

But not just that... I mean, that's the characterisation, and that's one thing (speaking of which, your female Sasuke is amazingly hateable. Kudos). But I really love your... well, writing. Or Sakura's beautifully orchestrated train of thought, as it were. Everything is so COHESIVE. So perfectly spoken. I've not read a single line and rolled my eyes at how awkward it sounds, or had to reread in order to properly organise it. It all slots in perfectly, as though I myself am thinking it, and that is honestly the best thing you could have possibly done for a first person story. Your writing is so IMMERSIVE, your Sakura is relatable... it's a perfect combination.

Speaking of Sakura's relatable-ness...

...I'm very much not a fan of when all of the characters in a story are witty, funny and confident. Quite frankly, I think it's ridiculous, and yeah, sure, the reader is gonna laugh and whistle when reading it, but it shreds and EATS characterisation. However, your Sakura contains just the right dosage of wit and humour in her train of thoughts, but isn't overt about it outwardly in the story, leaving her character in JUST the right place. Her humour also isn't the sort that requires a fair amount of mulling over, and is simply the sort of odd thoughts that would spring up at the conception of an idea. It's fantastic.

Her thoughts are also concise and nigh-clinical in their description. That clean-cut way of thinking is something I'd expect of Sakura, truly.

I have a lot more to say, but I'm already sounding too much like an English teacher for my liking. What I'm trying to say is that I love this story and I look forward to reading more after I've had some sleep.

...I appear to have given up on the listing halfway through. Oops. I bet it helped somehow, though... I hope. Sorry for these chunky reviews; but I want to review every chapter, and what with the amount of genial effort you seem to be putting in, I can't help but think you disgustingly unrewarded. I hope this makes up for that a tiny bit.

Reviews make you ecstatic? Your story makes me ecstatic! Thanks for writing this. Until I read again (hopefully tomorrow?) this is going into my favourites, as I'm sure it will there stay. This seems to be of epic proportions, so I have no doubts this may become a top favourite of mine. Thanks much!
AlmostElectric chapter 3 . 10/7/2014
I'm sticking with this note form to keep what I say coherent.

1. Kakashi in this story... I like him. A lot.

2. Hokage's speech was great. What a guy. And "censors" on our words to stop us from sounding "silly"... something we all know, but important to remember.

3. The ceremony of wrapping headbands around the genin's foreheads! So cute! What an adorable idea! And Kakashi being adorable as always.

4. I'm kinda glad Ino and Sakura are still friends, too.

5. Genin night! Hella! What a good idea! Since they're all a little older, too... I'm excited!

6. Another note: I love the dialogue in this story. I feel like you REALLY set the tone of how someone says something. I don't actually really know how you do it, but I'd guess maybe it's just by a concise description that aligns with actions we've seen before... either way, you do it well. I like it. It plays out well.

AlmostElectric chapter 2 . 10/7/2014
Right, well, seeing your lack of reviews, I decided to leave a review every chapter - but I was so caught up in the story that I forgot to leave a review after the first one! Shame on me.

1. Izanami. Nice name. Japanese legend stuff. Cool. Aside from that, she's bitchy, mean, but still very, very Sasuke. I like it, oh yes I do.

2. "Pitch in or fuck off". Nice line.

3. Naruto and Sakura's dynamic is good. I like these small changes.

4. Sakura and Izanami's dynamic is FANTASTIC. I love it. Sakura seems to have a very genuine bitterness and hatred of her, but it is not a hatred that I would not see in young teen girls towards a girl they really disliked. In fact, the way you write it is so perfectly described, and it really portrays that image without being light, and without being overly hateful.

5. The writing itself has gentle and not-overbearing character to it that I'm really enjoying. Easy to read, descriptive in just the right amount, no really awkward wording, excellent use of first person.

6. I love seeing Sakura as a main character, and this is fantastic. I love it. She is so awfully used in most fiction, but to see her here - with, finally, thank the heavens, her amazing intelligence finally showcased? Amazing. She's got certainly a bit more spice to her personality, she thinks before she speaks (although she does this in the original) and she seems a lot more thoughtful (but is this because we see her thoughts?). I find it incredibly interesting and true that Sakura would harbour a jealous hatred towards Izanami should they be the same gender, and should Sakura view her as a "competitor".

7. I love the idea of the era of peace leading to late graduation. It's an interesting idea and it certainly makes this whole scenario a lot more interesting; and the development of the ninja. In particular, I'm looking forward to seeing the effect on Izanami.

8. A final comment: grittiness. Small doses of it so far, but it says enough to me. I love gritty ninja stories. Reminds me of Naruto part 1, except a little bit more... well, real. I love that kinda thing. Haven't read anything like it in a long time. You've interpreted so many interesting things into one bundle - better developed Sakura, female!Sasuke, revised ninja education system, and that gritty realism, that I can't help but know this is going to be a tale I love.

I will pursue this story despite whatever ships you may throw in, although I certainly have a preference. Looking forward to reading more. Onwards I go.
evening's shore chapter 8 . 10/6/2014
Incredibly crisp and clean writing! I love your Sakura, who has the chance to fulfill the potential that Kishimoto wasted. I enjoy your character interactions, Kakashi's competence as a teacher, and am curious as to why you decided to replace Sasuke with Izanami, though it's really interesting to see what has changed. I love this story! Thanks for sharing :)
Swirly Mango chapter 7 . 10/6/2014
This is... horrifying. In the good way. If the manga could put in half as much effort goes into the worldbuilding of this story, it would be 100x as good. Orochimaru is a certified monstrous villain, and there is a plausible reason for Naruto and Izanami actually being close (because they worked together over time).
Guest chapter 5 . 10/6/2014
Very nice characterisation of Sakura and the way characters deal with ninja life. It's intriguing that the bombshell of Sakura's uncharacteristic late night is about to be investigated (hopefully?).
Swirly Mango chapter 2 . 10/6/2014
Ok. Very, very nice chapter. It's nice to know that Naruto isn't a country bumpkin again at the age of 15, and that Sakura can hold her own. The fight is well written, but I was slightly confused as to whether or not the fire-chakra protected exploding tags were from Kakashi or Izanami, and if Sakura's acts after the resulting explosion were improvisation of an existing plan, or if it was the plan itself.

And Kakashi is a very suitable badass.

Well written, with very minor grammatical errors.
Swirly Mango chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
I really, really like the worldbuilding going on here, with the short section of Madara's speech before the beginning of the chapter and the extract from the Science magazine at the end. Your changing of the basic aspects of the story, such as the age at which characters leave the academy, or campus as you have named it, is more believable than the Naruto manga's age 12 graduation for modern readers.

Good dialogue, good characterisation. I will see how Izanami Uchiha turns out as a character, but I'm very afraid that a cliched trope is going to be used there. Thank you for a good beginning to a Sakura POV story (at least I think that's what this is.)
Nemrut chapter 8 . 10/5/2014
Really love the story so far and the different take on the material. Quite like the team, especially Naruto seems vivid and I am fond of this Izanami. Sakura, as the POV character is interesting as well, especially since you neatly removed all that "all girls obsess over Sasuke" thing and gave her, and the other girls like Ino, real motivation.

Similarly, the worldbuilding and differences to canon are nice, although I admit, at the beginning I had the feeling that it was set in modern times before it was established that it is the same canon timeline, only a bit different.

So far so good, am curious as to what will happen next.

Maybe one point of critique, although it is too premature to truly critique that aspect, is that the whole ending notes on chakra seem odd. In the way that it seems that chakra is still an unsolved problem and I get the feeling that Sakura is going to solve it, offering her a nice way to level the playing field by being able to do a lot of metaphysical stuff that no one else can replicate with seals. (already think that she will be able to do some sort of cloud server, with seals, where she may seal stuff in the chakra zone and then access it again from wherever she wants just by drawing the seal, removing the shackle to physical seals)

So, depending how you pull that off, it could backfire but as I said, too soon to say, so far it is interesting and I enjoy the flavour texts.

Thank you for sharing this and I hope you are well.
WhistlesOfTin chapter 8 . 10/5/2014
Thank you for the story. I'm looking forward to updates.
WhistlesOfTin chapter 4 . 10/5/2014
I LOVE your chakra articles.
WhistlesOfTin chapter 3 . 10/4/2014
I like mind games in Naruto fics, so I'm enjoying the sly Kakashi.
WhistlesOfTin chapter 2 . 10/4/2014
Fantastic bell test. I'm bad at reviews, but fantastic bell test.
WhistlesOfTin chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
OOOOO! A physics-oriented fic! I'm all over this :D

Are you going to go into possible mechanics for Hiraishin, later on? Will you treat it as some form of teleportation or simply travel at relativistic speeds?

My physics geek is coming out.
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