Reviews for Harry's Loophole
Beth1112 chapter 21 . 1/15
I really enjoyed your story.
Jet Black01 chapter 21 . 11/19/2024
Dang... I wish this had been cannon. You most definitely put Jk Rowling to shame. Amazing Story!
Harry Potter for minister!
Guest chapter 18 . 7/16/2024
Here I thought that I've finally found a story in which Harry does in the tournament what I always envisioned he should've done.
And then it went to shit. The second task is basically the only part of the story that went as it was advertised in the summary. Plenty of other fics did the exact same thing in the fist task. And there was no absolutely no reason for the real champions to work together in the last one. They entered to win and nothing has happened to change their desires. Horcruxes, Voldemort and his minions were dealt eith way too easily. And I won't even comment on the total retardation of Harry wanting to let them.
Oh well, maybe after spending another 13 years reading fanfiction, I'll find a story with the main focus of Harry half-assing the torunament for real, Voldemort being dealt with in the background by some butterfly effect, and maybe a slowly building romance with one of very rare girls? Tracey, Sprout, maybe even Myrtle? I think that could work really well in such a story.
noylj chapter 19 . 5/6/2024
Death is more merciful than life in prison. When there is the option of the veil and burning Ministry resources to establish Wormy in the muggle world, probably still a psychopath, I know what would be best for society.
noylj chapter 12 . 5/6/2024
Now, sever their heads and vanish the bodies
noylj chapter 9 . 5/6/2024
The lazy, frightened Wizards are going to rise up? Tell me another one. Flobberworms are braver then 99% of magical humans in the UK
nintschibintschi chapter 21 . 5/2/2024
Great story thanks for sharing it with us
Zile0 chapter 21 . 4/6/2024
Enjoyable read. I’m sure i will be back to read it again.
Guest chapter 19 . 2/16/2024
God delete this crap and go stand in the corner. It was a good story then bam harry is like well durrr why don't we just free the death eaters durrr cause it's mean to lock the rapist that murder and stuff up durrr... cause malfoy is harmless it was all Tom being a bad boy... the 2nd year seems to not matter to harry albus potter. It's rare for a book to go 17 chapter in and for the author to think themselves well my story is going well how can I totally fuck it in one chapter?

Please just skip and why anyone would give this a fav rating leaves me questioning the avg intellect of fanfictions readers.
Katzztar chapter 17 . 1/29/2024
This seemed like sucha good story... right up until Harry said Lucius Malofy wasn't much of a threat. BS. In the Books, Lucius Malfoy & Severus Snape were the two biggest causes that weakened Britian for Voldemort's return. With his influence over politics, Malfoy did a lot of harm. It may be a stretch to claim he had a hand behind the reduction of Auror force, but it is a fact he influenced it's logical to think he bribed to have funds for DMLE reduced.
Snape's harm came from how he didn't teach. Both healers and aurors need the Potions N.E.W.T.s, so with a reduction of who takes them, means less healers and aurors. Both are needed in times of war.
redeyehawk23 chapter 21 . 12/24/2023
I kind of wish it kept going after hogwarts.
jada951 chapter 11 . 10/5/2023
well, dumbledore...moody will be ashamed of himself? how about you, as one of his good friend being ashamed of yourself?

At least it's not all a secret now.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/2/2023
bad all of it
hpmick13 chapter 17 . 9/13/2023
This was quite a fun story but then we get to the stupidity of kill the death eaters or let people like Malfoy go free, the same Malfoy who planted a dark artifact on an eleven year old, the same Malfoy who lied to avoid punishment for crimes he committed.
BlazeStryker chapter 20 . 7/13/2023
This chapter raises a valid point as Jo would be the first to say the Philosopher's Stone only worked for the makers.

If you read my wording there, you see the reason why I'm sure Jo's right, and the reason the Flamels are the only ones to actually pull off the Stone's creation.

It takes two (at least). It takes more than one person to make it and takes all the makers to use it, meaning that there was a damned good reason Nicolas and Perenelle stayed together.
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