Reviews for The Inquisitor
OSC chapter 42 . 2/8
SP12 has a point. 2 months and a half is way too long to update your story.

I mean how long does it take to write a single chapter? It might as well take one to two weeks if not less but 2 Months and a half, come on, man? We barely got to the carnage. At least, explain your long hiatus in the bottom of the next chapter.

How long must we wait for the next chapter? A month, another two months, or worst, more? Come on, update your chapter, I don't want this story to feel dead for a while.
Starry Starry chapter 30 . 2/9
i love miss martian so I'm glad she can be with dante, i think her being understanding and empathetic with hopefully help dante with his preconceptions
Eduarch74 chapter 1 . 2/6
Please bring in the imperial guard, a random space marine chapter, and the chaos space marines.
Eduarch74 chapter 42 . 2/5
Gracias por un nuevo capitulo, ya quiero ver el siguiente.
SP12 chapter 42 . 2/5
It's rather disappointing that the plot has barely moved an inch after 2 & half months of waiting. There was very little actual content in this chapter. At this rate, we will have to wait till next year to get to Zatara.
Imperial Hydra chapter 42 . 2/7
I'm saying it now, one or more members of the Justice League is going to die in the next few chapters. They're far to naïve to deal with Chaos and Doctor Fate seems to be the only one amongst them with the faintest clue of what their up against.
Octavio Constant chapter 42 . 2/5
Thank you for the update! Though it is a shame that it's barely into the action, but I want to see how the DC characters handle Chaos in their way, especially their reaction to the horror that it inflicts. (Though knowing the Justice League, they'll screw up big time, not to mention, lost a few of their members, I'm guessing the first ones will be Icon and Hawkman)

Anyway, I cannot wait for long to read the next one. Don't make it a two month update. I know you should take your time, but please update your story in this month.
ramazan02-02 chapter 42 . 2/7
У тебя охренная история получилось, мне интересно будет так чтоДанте сможет доказать что лига не способна исполнять свои обязанности и будут расформированы и создана новой под новым главами как Команда Данте
E chapter 42 . 2/4
Chaos corrupts everything and absolutely, is the core of the warhammer identity that GW itself it seeming to forget and once again deathwing17 delivers a masterpiece that's grounded and respectful to both mediums.
Guest chapter 42 . 2/4
garbo chapter 42 . 2/4
I feel like Batman, Mr. "I have a plan to kill the entire Justice League just in case" would take Inquisitor's words a little more seriously.
Terminator7781 chapter 42 . 2/6
Thanks for the chapter

httpsmedia. tenor
deezjagz chapter 42 . 2/6
So on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad will the PTSD be for everyone? (excluding the Inquisitor cuz you know he endured hell to get this far)
cryingseal3 chapter 42 . 2/6
I’m very excited for the next chapter. This one was awesome.
zerkil chapter 42 . 2/6
Nice, and when Dante said "I will not lie" I got unfortunate son stuck in my head (thanks Gelt)
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