Reviews for Unconditionally
Anne Demary chapter 42 . 8/2
Hi, I don't know if the problem is on my end but I'm unable to view chapter 41 and one earlier one. Maybe the links are broken? Good story though. :)
M-dog14NCISgeek chapter 3 . 4/13
lol did Regina go through the foster process without Gold? Sounds like he was surprised to see her! Especially since in the originally series, he purposefully set up Henry’s adoption.
M-dog14NCISgeek chapter 1 . 4/13
What a cute intro! Can’t wait to see where it goes!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 69 . 2/6
This was such a great fic! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 66 . 2/6
What exactly is in the Enchanted Forest! It’s a major downgrade from the modern world.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 63 . 2/6
I hope they don’t go back. Like why would they want to?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 55 . 2/6
True loves kiss! Emma’s going to kiss Regina’s forehead!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 54 . 2/6
Oh shit. Regina took it. But did she mean tk take it?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 51 . 2/6
Oh shit.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 50 . 2/6
How old is Emma? 16?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 45 . 2/6
Wow. I’m surprised Regina told Emma the truth.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 44 . 2/6
Has Emma forgotten Regina’s the evil queen?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 43 . 2/6
Did Emma get a pregnancy test? That’s 5e box she slams on the counter. But 24 hours is too short of a time to know if you’re pregnant, right?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 42 . 2/6
I hope it breaks with Emma giving true loves kiss to Regina. Like in her forehead. I’m a SwanQueen shopper, but in the story, it obviously won’t happen.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 39 . 2/6
So Emma is ditching the dinner.
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