Reviews for Battle Scars
Tanith2011 chapter 1 . 7/26/2014
A powerful reflection on why and how Bergman took up his dual post as coroner and Five-O's official physician. The flashbacks helped us readers understand why he felt the way he did and also served to provide a back-story for Doc.

Of course, no complaints on some hurt Danny moments but gee did you have to break his collar bone too and give him nerve damage? Goodness me, I thought I was cruel! LOL! You did a fantastic job with the medical details so well done on doing your research.
bkart chapter 1 . 6/23/2014
A very well written and good story. Thank you for the joy when reading it.
keller12917 chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
I seriously thought Danny was a goner :S
Book 'em Again chapter 1 . 5/2/2014
So Doc suffered from PTSD and his relationships with Five-O seem to be helping him work through it - never would have guessed that even though it fits. The medical scenes are thoroughly research, and the motivations of all the characters feel right. Plus, even though there are many stories out there making Danny's injuries in this episode worse than what we saw in the show, you still managed to provide an original angle to it. Good job.
jodm chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
A plausible-and very enjoyable-backstory for Bergman that weaves in scenes and follow-up to a great episode. Bergman's reactions to his wartime experiences, perhaps a kind of post-traumatic stress reaction to the horrors of war, make sense. The story is well-written and the depiction of the characters is true to who they are in the series.
Iluvff chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
Great story! I love Doc Bergman. So good to see a new take on the aftermath of "...a Gun That Shoots." Your dialogue and reactions from the characters were very true to form, and the backstory fits well with the personalities as characterized in the actual show. Great to see a good new quality H50 story, and the hurt/comfort is just an added plus! Thank you so much.
jeangoony chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
What an excellent and different story, I love the detailed medical descriptions, so descriptive, it made me squirm a bit. Poor Danny, he would have been devastated if he had to give up being a cop.
You have Dr. Fernando down to a tee, a rather negative man I thought. I remember how angry Steve was when speaking to him. I like that you used Dr. Freeman, as we hear his name called several times over the tannoy in episodes. It makes pleasurable reading to hear about the other characters. First Che, now Bergman. I wonder who will be next.
Shergar chapter 1 . 4/30/2014
That is a super back story. It explains everything really well and still leaves that little bit of mystery about Doc and what he went through. Well done!