Reviews for Ablaze
Aneta.m4rs chapter 36 . 4/25/2020
Sakura is so clueless and the boys reactions are just priceless i'm trying do hard not to laugh right now XD
Aneta.m4rs chapter 14 . 4/24/2020
This is just getting more and more intresting
Aneta.m4rs chapter 1 . 4/23/2020
I came from wattpad and i'm trying so hard not to squeal
Girl-chama chapter 134 . 4/19/2020
hmmmm! And after a-blazing through this story in two days now I have to wait with everyone else :D thanks so much for writing so diligently!
Girl-chama chapter 115 . 4/19/2020
I’m imagining a drunk Sakura feistily pulling Tim along in a headlock (who tolerates it the first three times) telling an enraptured audience, “This is my twin. I’m three minutes older!” XDDDD Every interaction Jason and Sakura have has me in stitches
Girl-chama chapter 106 . 4/19/2020
Love this chapter for SO many reasons: Kakashi’s arrival- you write him SO well, and Tim comforting Sakura. Sakura finally giving in to the discomfort and pain of being rejected. I can almost imagine that the sentence that got cut off was, “Why do I always do this?” Oh, it’s getting better and better!
Girl-chama chapter 88 . 4/18/2020
Oh I laaaaaaaaughed
Girl-chama chapter 87 . 4/18/2020
It’s such an interesting conundrum, being in a situation of sending your victimizers after you for your rescue. I mean, what are the repercussions that Naruto and Sasuke face for effectively (functionally) murdering a comrade? She’s not there, she’s not coming back without GREAT effort. And yet they get to be the ones to retrieve her, too. And Sakura, everything she has been through to this point- WOULD she even want to go back. Such an excellent question.
Girl-chama chapter 82 . 4/18/2020
Girl-chama chapter 76 . 4/18/2020
Well, I wasn’t expecting that decision. I’m really just ready for the news to come out to CK that Sakura was in love with him and there was a misunderstanding. But for now... BAT CLAN! BAT CLAN!
Girl-chama chapter 75 . 4/18/2020
I love when this girl stands up for herself and when she is willing to stand up to the only people she has in her life right now.
Girl-chama chapter 43 . 4/18/2020
I LOVE makeover and glam up chapters. NEver enough of them. The dialogue between Bruce and Sakura is amazing. Also, highlighting some of her old insecurities was a nice touch.
Girl-chama chapter 42 . 4/18/2020
Awwww, Bruce gonna adopt you, girl!
Girl-chama chapter 41 . 4/18/2020
Hmm, I’m not familiar with this side of Bruce. This is awesome.
Girl-chama chapter 38 . 4/18/2020
Oooohhh, I’m wondering what’s going on. The headache, the lying? The hiding it from Superman and Batman? Something is up! Also, STEVE!
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