Reviews for Ablaze
CompassionateKunoichi chapter 135 . 5/27/2020
I absolutely love your story, and I’m pretty sure I tell you this in every review, but really, I LOVE IT, I really hope to see an update soon, made my day
DandelionBlue chapter 135 . 5/22/2020
Gracias, la historia cada vez se vuelve más interesante.
Guest chapter 135 . 5/14/2020
This chapter was so good you made my day!
palmtreehead chapter 135 . 5/10/2020
Wooh, just stayed up stupid late re-reading - still an awesome story! Hope you’re well and thanks for the update
nayuta chapter 135 . 5/9/2020
So what did actually happen with the clinic Sakura wanted to open? Did she already start operating it or was there just no time?
And did Athena realize what Saku didn’t say? Kill Kakashi and then watch the world burnhell yeah loved that part!) and i like that you keep pronouncing that the ‚godsnot hers) see their as a tool for their own games and petty feuds or whatever and Saku is not in the least taking that sh*t haha! Great chapter , gotta love Kalashi‘s casual insanity
daliapv.perez chapter 135 . 5/9/2020
Qué divertido hermanos protectores.
irise18 chapter 135 . 5/8/2020
yessss!final another chapter
The Blue Haired Witch chapter 135 . 5/8/2020
“Sakura wasn’t a Robbin, but she still belonged to the Bat” I LOVE IT! Thank you for updating, author!
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 90 . 5/8/2020
Lmao I love sakuras and Jason’s relationship
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 70 . 5/8/2020
Lmao Leeee!
sakuskull chapter 135 . 5/7/2020
Hola Felicidades por el capitulo.

Me fascino este capitulo ya lo estaba esperando y me encanta el hecho de que jason se acerque a dick y que sakura sea el medio me facina.

Esperamos el siguiente capitulo.
TrenchcoatMan chapter 135 . 5/7/2020
OMG, You live!

and yay, long chapter. It was definitely a nice surprise to see not only a new chapter, but a double-chapter. So glad you're back, hope you're staying healthy.

Of course Kakashi would cause a fight about beauty amongst the gods. I'm surprised Apollo wasn't involved... after all, it said most beautiful, not most beautiful goddess, lol.

angel897 chapter 135 . 5/7/2020
interesting and enjoyable to read as always
Opaque.winds chapter 135 . 5/7/2020
Hello hello again! A wonderful chapter as always, and such a delight to wake up to. Gotta say I’m interested to see what Sakura will do next with the apple, though I do have my guesses. Stay safe!
Girl-chama chapter 135 . 5/7/2020
*These* birds thank you for the update! I'm not entirely sure why Sakura and Kakashi have to get involved with a fight between gods but OK. I like her forcing the issue of Qrow's loyalty. It's going to be interesting if she comes back from Olympus ("saved" by Jason and Dick, no less) with enough owlthority to shut down the Court. Interesting interesting! Thanks for the update!
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