Reviews for The Consequence of Miracles
WellHelloThereEdward chapter 1 . 6/19/2021
So it took me almost a week to read The first two chapters waiting for the bad thing to happen. I felt so much angst and dreaded what was going to happen I had to keep stopping. Loving it so far. You are amazing
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 6/8/2021
Oh my God.. This story was amazing. You are an awesome writer and you made me feel all the emotions. Thank you for sharing
EileenSideways chapter 19 . 6/4/2021
Jesus. I had no clue what I was getting into and I am so glad I stumbled across this story. Incredible. So well done. I could not stop reading and my mind is seriously blown. Thank you for sharing this work.
Mairaredbird chapter 19 . 5/24/2021
I love this story! Thank uuu
Knit Bit chapter 19 . 5/19/2021
Wow. Holy fuck. What a fantastic read. I couldn’t stop reading! Amazing talent. Such an amazing story.

Thank you, for sharing.
NotRobPattinson chapter 19 . 5/5/2021
This story was so achingly real. It took the aspect of Edward’s vampire personality, the one where he hates himself above all else and thinks he has no soul, and turned them into something believable and human. This is also the best Jake I’ve ever read in a FF or the real deal. He’s not annoying. And that is no small miracle. Kudos for highlighting the importance of mental health and therapy.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 19 . 4/17/2021
Absolutely one of THE best stories I've read on FF and I've been reading for 11 years!
Thank you for this stunning and soul searching journey. I can see why this was listed as a "fic you can't put down".
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 18 . 4/17/2021
"I just want to try one thing," he whispered.
Love when writers incorporate actual lines from the original into their stories. *swoon*
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 17 . 4/17/2021
Oh man! I'm already bawling like a baby and I still have two chapters to go!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 2 . 4/16/2021
So sad and unnerving.
Why does that old man with the overalls keep popping into my thoughts?
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 1 . 4/16/2021
Oh no...sounds like it's going to be gut wrenching!
Twifanfictionrecs recc'd this as a fic you can't put down and it appears they might be right!
ashreena chapter 1 . 2/9/2021
It seems like a wonderful story, but I quit at chapter 8 with Bella and Jacob. Never been a fan of Jacob.
Drea09 chapter 19 . 2/9/2021
I don’t know how many times I’ve read this story now. It still brings tears to my eyes. I love it every time and wish there was more. Perfect!
DMBSJB18 chapter 18 . 2/2/2021
Edward is being so mature about all of this. So is Bella. I can’t even imagine the HELL he went through and it makes me want to throttle a fictional character. And I’m totally sick knowing that people live this life! Elizabeth smart is my age and she was abducted from a city close to mine. And the things she went through? Holy hell. Anyways, thanks for writing this.
I know you’re not really in the fandom anymore, but I did have a question, if you’re ever around again. I don’t get how Edward could make out with Tanya? I get that there was no emotion there... not like with Bella, but it’s still sexual. And making our leads to getting turned on. So. Just curious how that was okay, getting turned on by some random chick?
Emulation91 chapter 19 . 1/13/2021
I’m not even sure how I stumbled across this story. One of those rabbit hole things where I ended up perusing an author’s favorite story list, I think. But I’m so thankful I did.

This was beautiful and heartbreaking and I was so sad when it was over. Thanks for sharing your writing talents with the world!
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