Reviews for New Life
yrlastin chapter 21 . 5/22/2021
Naruto should have negated the ligthening by coating himself with Wind chakra,,,Easy win!
yrlastin chapter 1 . 5/22/2021
Way too open about his abilities to what amounts to complete strangers!

Sinless chapter 7 . 4/4/2021
So much filler. Boring
Ricee chapter 11 . 3/17/2021
just out of curiosity, what did you end up doing with the other Biju? I could see 1-7 being in the statue but we already know that 8 is somewhere. would have thought that naruto would have brought them with him, knowing him he would spend years getting them out of the statue before leaving, knowing otherwise they would suffer
JemeryT chapter 23 . 2/6/2021
Disappointed there’s no more,it’s well done.
MBS41 chapter 1 . 12/1/2020
Give him Kurama back
Ricee chapter 23 . 10/18/2020
aww this dude is still active but he quit this story, with no reason as to why, it was just getting good too!
Ricee chapter 10 . 10/18/2020
the way he acts like tobi is kinda daunting, as tobi was most definitely the bad guy it makes me forget that Naruto is generally a good guy
Black-devil chapter 11 . 6/30/2020
Well his mom wanted him to date a woman like her
koseta.a chapter 21 . 6/15/2020
You've seriously nerfed naruto
Halcyus Lance chapter 23 . 6/3/2020
I'm very sad that you actually stopped updating this fanfic haha. I enjoyed Naruto getting in with the dark guild by acting the way Obito did in Shippuden, it's so awesome to read!
randomuseroffanfiction chapter 1 . 5/28/2020
I don't know if what I'm saying is accurate, but I think it would be better to compare Chakra to Ethernano instead of magic. I read this in multiple fanfictions already and I might be wrong, but it would also be more accurate to liken Jutsu and Magic (Spells).
SLay KinG chapter 1 . 5/6/2020
why do u people always leave the headband on even in other realities... his gonna share his story wit everyone ryt
SLay KinG chapter 1 . 5/2/2020
why do u people always leave the headband on even in other realities... his gonna share his story wit everyone ryt
Gene Starwind chapter 1 . 3/31/2020
Even if Kyuubi could turn Naruto's eyes back they would not be blue. They would be black.
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