Reviews for The Worst of Words
ghawk70 chapter 133 . 6/5/2024
Wow! Amazing story!
Guest chapter 133 . 12/19/2022
This is so well written. Unique plot, evolved nicely with excitement. We love Castle.
Planecrazylex chapter 133 . 6/16/2022
This was fascinating. I enjoyed the format and the way you brought plot into each entry without jumping out of it. Thank you for sharing!
guest chapter 133 . 10/24/2021
WOW. Better late than never; somehow i missed this all those years ago. So I glad i found it. What a beautiful story. And a better more believable plot than what was given to us. Thank you
BattlesNotVictories chapter 1 . 12/1/2020
I am sooo late to the game but I watched Castle for the first time during quarantine and quickly realized how amazing the fanfic was for the show. I read this a few months ago (I'm horrible at reviewing and trying to get better!) and honestly, it ripped my heart out, put it back together and then ripped it out again before putting it back together in the end. I love letter and journal fic so this was perfect for me! It's different from Enlightenment (also amazing!) and it's awesome you can do both so well. I hope you write more soon!
pherman015 chapter 133 . 10/18/2020
So very good, and surprise made more sense then the show story.
CallieJacobs chapter 67 . 7/30/2020
This is genius. This whole story, the format, the way you write sounds like Kate, it puts me in her mind. You're a genius.
bponder chapter 133 . 1/21/2018
enjoyed this so much!
BlackButlerKitty chapter 1 . 5/19/2017
This is seriously the best story I've ever read (I've read farter than this) and it's seriously just... Amazing. I stopped reading it for awhile after getting super busy and beforehand I'd forgotten to follow it... Needless to say I just spent three days trying to find this story and I love it SO much.
CKL chapter 133 . 5/3/2017
RandomButLoved chapter 133 . 7/22/2016
Aww this was so great! I powered through because you had me hooked. I really enjoyed both perspectives! :)
XFfan1 chapter 133 . 2/6/2016
Loved this series! : )
ksatan624 chapter 133 . 10/11/2015
4526 avis ! je n'en reviens pas ! pour dire comment cette histoire est incroyable ; l'idée du journal tenu jour après jour, chacun à leur tour est très originale d'abord ; ensuite la façon dont vous nous racontez tout cela est très émouvante.
Vraiment une très très belle histoire.
IOwnABoat chapter 133 . 9/11/2015
This is such a beautiful story. The revealing plot in tortured diary entries format, plus the way you maintain and build the suspense, followed by the abrupt change in POV, and the ending...perfect. I must re-read it soon, but not burn through it this time! I wish in some ways I'd read it back when you were first publishing it in installments as the wait every day for a chapter would have been delicious. Then again, the tension might have killed me...
MissBeh8ve chapter 132 . 7/8/2015
read it for the second time, and it was even better than the first one. this goes straight into my favorites!

thank you!
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