Reviews for Call Me Katto
Guest chapter 45 . 7/4/2020
please I am literally crying in the club rn (ll~ll). Great story though; I stayed up reading it ! Thank you for writing!
Naru-Vampire chapter 14 . 6/18/2020
I’m rereading this story and I love how katara uses gran gran in her plans it’s cute and almost innocent?
gail17 chapter 45 . 6/14/2020
Ive read this story twice now and loved every single word. It amazes me that you write the majority of it without planning, letting the writing take you where it will. Ive also read HMPB probably four or five times now as well. Im excuted to start on the next installment of this story and this universd and I just love it. I think I would be amazing if this were turned into a show, but the likelyhood of that is so low given the way that the Avatar story writer set up the original universe. In any case, thank you for the amazing storues, the right amount of smutty goodness (though I feel that this story could have used more descriptive foreplay as what you had in HMPB), and for greatand consisten quality!
Jadespin chapter 26 . 6/14/2020
She turned to go and found herself face-to-face with Zuko. He was downhill from her, which meant she didn't even have to tilt her head up to glare at him. "Are you going to try and stop me, too?"

"No," he said, "but you dropped your map."

I notice how you kept in mind that detail of Zuko letting Katara figure out what she wants to do with her situation like in the show during her revenge arc. I love your eye for detail and awareness so much because that makes this story all the more believable and engrossing
Gigipink chapter 15 . 6/13/2020
I've always thought exactly what Katara said. The Northern Water Tribe is a mess. Why would you not teach the women when you're at war and need as many fighters as possible
itsButterCup chapter 45 . 6/10/2020
Literally hate the way it ended. I loved the story and had so much hope only for you to crush it Lmaoo wow you really got me ! I thought I for sure knew how the story would end but nooooo... congratulations. Seriously . It’s still going in my fav list tho lol
Ines Kanoyan 53 chapter 28 . 6/7/2020
I loved this chapter. You write Zuko and Katara so well. My Zutara heart is whole.
Naru-Vampire chapter 45 . 6/6/2020
I look forward to reading the sequel! Well written story and realistic
Naru-Vampire chapter 44 . 6/6/2020
My heart is hammering I can’t
Naru-Vampire chapter 30 . 6/5/2020
“So we are traveling together to make our final battle more convenient” lol I love Sokka
Naru-Vampire chapter 26 . 6/5/2020
Damn katara was like don’t mess with me and it was great looooooove it
SunneyDae chapter 16 . 5/27/2020
Zuko has been referring to Katara by her name and not by Katto this whole chapter. An unfortunate oversight as i am pretty sure he doesn't know her real name?
fayexdancer chapter 44 . 4/25/2020
This is literally the best fan fiction I have ever read. Of any fandom or genre. Wow! I literally couldn’t stop reading this. Straight binge read this in two days! Thank you for sharing your talent and story with others!
SomeRandomPenName chapter 45 . 11/21/2019
First off: this is by far THE best fan fiction I have ever read, all fandoms included. I told myself I'd get my life back once I finished this story, only to realize as the number of chapters left grew smaller that there would be a whole other book... so I'm taking a small break to review. It's so hard to find good fics for an adult audience when the canon story was intended for a young public.
The ending left me brokenhearted. I tell myself Zuko also betrayed Katara in the canon story, in Ba Sing Se, and everything worked out in the end, but then they weren't as close at that point in the series as they were in your story. I don't know how he could ever be trustworthy ever again, no matter how attenuating the circumstances might be. By the way, I have to admit I loved the feminism in this story, and how you didn't hesitate to show a very ugly side to the beloved character that is Zuko. Neither him nor Katara, nor Sokka, nor Toph were perfect. Not even Suki and Aang! Everyone has made some mistakes at some point. It was interesting to see the contrast between the Fire Nation's and the Water Tribes' view of women, it gave the enemy a very real nobility, hard to deny for Katara. Zuko worships her for being a warrior, it's an important part of why he loves her. Iroh was one of my favorite characters in the series, and you depicted him perfectly. I loved his handling of the explosive Zuko, especially in the beginning: it felt exactly like watching the show. I actually chuckled to myself while reading (which is really rare for me). You delved into complex subjects like anger issues, warfare, first intercourses, wedlock, teen pregnancy, abortion, without ever idealizing or over-dramatizing the situation. I didn't roll my eyes once! The intrigue was incredibly well built, with no forced plot devices despite the need for a zutara romance, which isn't easy. Toph was especially well adapted to the M-rating of this story, with her precocious obsession for sex, I had a lot of fun reading her parts of the story. And congrats for making one of the few OCs I ever loved, and in so few sentences. Tyno just worked so well! Your epilogue put a balm on my aching heart. I loved this dorky mama's boy so much. Hope we'll get to see more of him. I noticed book 2 is unfinished... but I'll read as much as I can get my hands on. I do hope your projects of original writing are going well, and that you get published. Keep us posted if that is the case :)
rosecoloredboy1 chapter 45 . 10/15/2019
Honestly completely speechless at this story. I rea and I very rarely review because I'm a generally very unimpressed person, but oh man is this an exception. From start to finish I could not for the love of me stop reading and finished this in three (3) days (I really do mean it when I say I didn't stop reading haha). This is hands down one of the best, if not the best, fanfictions I've ever read. The tension is there, the, very good might I add, character development is there, clever plot writing and, what I personally really appreciate, the way the main characters act is believable, their actions have depth and the list goes on. I have to admit that I'm still bitter about the ending, though I noticed that there's a sequel, so I'm not giving up hope just yet. You're an absolutely incredible writer and, though I realize this story isn't recent I haven't checked if this profile is still active - it's too difficult from my phone, I hope you never stop writing despite the chance that you might never even read this. I write some myself but I've never gotten past a 100k words and honestly couldn't compare to the writer you are. Just phenomenal writing. Completely humbled by you.
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