Reviews for A Brother
Guest chapter 7 . 7/21/2019
Garbage shitfest of a fight, Naruto should've easily roflstomped both of them within a second, as he never stopped training.
Then having him abandon his path towards peace for someone that may as well have been a stranger, fuck that.
NazgulBelserion chapter 35 . 7/5/2019
I would of liked a bigger reveal noone ever found out who he was would of liked for more ppl to see kaguya and hear her talking to Naruto and their reactions felt rushed
DuckedHard chapter 7 . 6/24/2019
Naruto not only caving in to Harishama's beliefs but even tightening the seal and betraying his own set of rules..that is just so fucking far-fetched and out of character.
Guest chapter 34 . 6/15/2019
Every time that someone ask something from naruto he caves in easily. It is so fucked up
Guest chapter 34 . 6/15/2019
Naruto focuses more on the part where he must help all the person that he encounters yet he can't even help and find all the biju. What a lousy part of the story author.
lovefanfictions72 chapter 21 . 6/14/2019
driving me nuts how incompetent naruto seems to be... but otherwise, amazing story! thank youu
Guest chapter 35 . 5/16/2019
Visual Bliss chapter 31 . 5/16/2019
Sooo... Naruto is just gonna cave everrrry time wants to call in a favor that's kinda getting annoying.. Tobirama did the same thing and won the because of it... Is no one going to solve their own problems?
Sypho Dias chapter 22 . 5/4/2019
Naruto's getting really sloppy. And foolish! Is this the effects of old age? This is stupid... He is stupid!
Sypho Dias chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
You know, you should just give naruto the tenseigan like for homura. Then all this confusion with the hyuuga clan will be stopped. I think its a better version of the byakugan. And it also comes with an iris so no need for genjutsu anymore.
AkaSenkou chapter 1 . 3/27/2019
This is literally the best Naruto Fanfiction I have ever read!
koseta.a chapter 7 . 3/23/2019
It was interesting, but would have been better if kaguya lived
Plumpy chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
That ending was so dope.

Great read, OP Naruto, much enjoyed.

Thank you
ladder-climber chapter 35 . 3/6/2019
Amazing read!
That Hashirama fight, a masterpiece! One of the best fights I read here. Really brought his mentality and strength to light... And that madara appearence at the end was a great bonus!
Gonna treat it as cannon lol

On a side note, the wave fight vs the cannon fodder was too drawn out, you could have cut it and skipped a bit on the details and it would have not been a great loss.

His conflict between between involvement or not is something that really made this fic what it is. I agree that sometimes it contradicted itself a bit (as you said in the notes), and perhaps it could have been written better, but the contradictions is what makes us human I guess lol.

Would have liked it if he said goodbye to tsunade as well before he left.

The ending as well, very fitting in a way. Frankly, I expected him to die, but the twist was an interesting twist. An open ending, fitting in a way. Would have liked to hear a last thought on his awaiting family or something like that, some closure in his life.
AdriLAAAxo chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
Meh. Couldve been better, but overall it was an okay read.
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