Reviews for A Spartan in Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire X Halo Crossover)
Guest chapter 21 . 2/7
When is the next update it’s been years now I need a update this story is so great author please you can’t stop
TheRightPrice chapter 21 . 1/9
Both the Master Chief and Jamie Lannister came across as OOC in this chapter. The whole fight at the end was pretty cringe.
TheRightPrice chapter 21 . 1/9
Did you really just have Jon Snow and the Master Chief have the same fingerprints? This has been a decent fic so far but you go way too heavy on the glazing.
TheRightPrice chapter 20 . 1/9
Another made up Spartan augmentation in this chapter.
TheRightPrice chapter 19 . 1/9
All right this is a pretty pointless chapter. You're just repeating exposition at this point, we've already read all of this in a previous chapter.
TheRightPrice chapter 17 . 1/9
It's rather funny hearing the Master Chief call the Westerosi ignorant for believing in superstitions, reveling in his own ignorance to the fact that magic is actually real.
TheRightPrice chapter 17 . 1/8
1) Unless there's been a retcon I don't know about a Spartans liver isn't enhanced at all by their augmentations. Are you just making up non canon enhancements for the Spartans in this fic?

2) No, drinking straight distilled water is not good for you. The loss of salts and essential minerals makes distilled water f up your body's electrolyte balance and cause you problems (muscle cramps, weakness, and heart issues).
TheRightPrice chapter 13 . 1/8
It's kind of odd that you're making chief so outright against killing other humans, as if it violates some moral principle of his. It doesn't. The Chief kills humans all the time like it's nothing. He would have literally no compunctions about killing them. it would be more in character for him to kill Rattle Shirt for being hostile and then start talking to the next Wildling in charge. He definitely wouldn't be "uncomfortable and reluctant" about it.
TheRightPrice chapter 12 . 1/8
It's kind of odd that you're making chief so outright against killing other humans, as if it violates some moral principle of his. It doesn't. The Chief kills humans all the time like it's nothing. He would have literally no compunctions about killing them. it would be more in character for him to kill Rattle Shirt for being hostile and then start talking to the next Wildling in charge. He definitely wouldn't be "uncomfortable and reluctant" about it.
TheRightPrice chapter 12 . 1/8
It's kind of odd that you're making chief so outright against killing other humans, as if it violates some moral principle of his. It doesn't. The Chief kills humans all the time like it's nothing. He would have literally no compunctions about killing them. it would be more in character for him to kill Rattle Shirt for being hostile and then start talking to the next Wildling in charge.
J-076 chapter 21 . 12/3/2024
absolutely marvelous writing
andrewwhiting96 chapter 21 . 11/4/2024
Rest in peace a good story
Guest chapter 1 . 10/3/2024
No quiero qiuejarme y quiro que sepas que en realidad la historia me gustaba mucho pero queria dcirte que tal vez seria genial un dia reemplazarla por 1 Crossover con una serie de genero de viajes espaciales que mejor encaje y mejor complemente con genero yal universo de Halo
matteodile2001 chapter 21 . 9/8/2024
this story is truly AMAZING, you should continue it, man
AegirHardlette chapter 1 . 8/29/2024
i hope you come back to write after leaving it on such a high note
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