Reviews for The Warlock's Quickening
porter.allred chapter 33 . 1/9
papitue chapter 30 . 12/30/2024
Finally !
papitue chapter 17 . 12/30/2024
so when are they gonna talk with morgana ?
papitue chapter 15 . 12/30/2024
When i saw the proactive AU i tough he would kill uther but no just the same Merlin than the show, idk where he is proactive.
papitue chapter 10 . 12/30/2024
I don't understand this logic, kill uther and kill arthur. Why sacrifice kin for 2 non magic user.
IS6A6E chapter 26 . 7/19/2024
Why not a wolf?
estar12 chapter 1 . 5/31/2023
This story is so amazing. I really love the way the characters interact and everything is set in motion. I’m enthralled by the moving parts in the story and the multiple story lines. This really is an amazing story. I highly recommend this series. There’s so much amazing material to read!
kageknuser2710 chapter 36 . 3/17/2023
This was such a joy to read! Thank you!
kageknuser2710 chapter 7 . 3/17/2023
I've always loved Lancelot. I really hope he ends up with someone nice.
kageknuser2710 chapter 5 . 3/17/2023
I really liked the Gwen/Morgana friendship in this chapter. All in all, the relationships all around have been pretty nice
Guest chapter 34 . 10/30/2022
The alternate chapter title is actually the whole show
-Moonzie from tumblr :)
hdres chapter 36 . 6/22/2022
Fab ending. You have neatly encapsulated Arthur’s dilemma and introduced the next episode. Thank you for sharing your writing
hdres chapter 31 . 6/22/2022
Great story, really well imagined and written. Whilst you are following many of the Merlin episodes I am really enjoying the changes you have made particularly with regards Balinor but also with the Druids. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 21 . 6/22/2022
Things are really starting to speed up. I am enjoying your story and the way Arthur is gradually starting to think for himself. This story is written in an entertaining and engaging way. The characters are interesting and I like all the various interactions particularly Merlin and Arthur. Thank you for sharing your story
hdres chapter 16 . 6/22/2022
I am really enjoying your story and your exploration of what would happen if Merlin was more proactive. I like how you are changing to different POVs so we get different perspectives. This chapter was particularly great with the realisation that Arthur doesn’t understand magic at all. The sheep smuggling is good too. Thank you for sharing your story
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